The Time I Actually Almost Died

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So long story short I had gone on a walk a little before dark to go look at the sculpture my friends and I built. I decided to walk back through the local forest path in order to avoid the crowds of the shopping center and get some exercise (it is the long way).

I was walking like normal when I thought I heard someone behind me. This didn't scare too much because there is a popular lake nearby. Well, I heard them again but saw nobody behind me. Naturally, being a little spooked, I picked up my pace a little and started speed walking. Unfortunately for me I have athletic asthma and didn't think to bring my inhaler (I will regret this way more later). It seems all good now just a normal walk...

Until I got closer to the road where I saw there was in fact a person behind me dressed in black sweats and a hoodie (ironic for it being quite warm outside) so being already edge I decided to start running. I became super out of breath and had to slow down. My lungs and legs were burning majorly. I really shouldn't have run, but it is too late now. I thought I lost him so I decided to tell my friends through a voice note until I saw him again. This time I could confirm he had a knife in his hand so I ran as fast as I could blasting by my house to the shopping center. I refused to let this potential killer know where I live. I decided to attempt to lose him by running along a deer path I used to walk along to get to the shopping center. This led to me tripping and falling like my clumsy self and twisting my ankle. Luckily that was my only injury. I called my parents and made it into the local store. Where the store manager who saw me run in called the police for me. Well, the stupid local police declined the case because nobody really got hurt but I still left a little testimony of what I could remember (which was all a blur) with the store manager.

The man in the black hoodie was nowhere to be found and I was left shivering in a grocery store lucky I am alive.

This is actually all a true story that just happened a little while ago. This leads me to remind each and every one of y'all that I love you so much. I am lucky to be safe so please be careful when out by yourselves. You never know what could happen.

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