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I wake up curled into a little ball on the bed that I first woke up in. I was completely naked, which tells me that I was in my wolf form at some point. I shiver slightly and pull myself out of the bed.

I find a set of white silk nightclothes at the edge of the bed. A beautiful bouquet of tulips lay on top of the nightclothes. The tulips were a mix of pink, purple, yellow, orange, and red tones. I gently pick up the tulips and smell their delicate fragrance. They smelt heavenly.

Where did they come from?

I sniff the flowers again and catch the light scent of my mate under the smell of flowers. I sigh softly and blow out a breath of air. Of course, it's from Greyson...

        I slip on the nightclothes and grab the bouquet. I make my way out of the bedroom in search of a vase to put the tulips in.

        I am about to walk down the large stairs when a large hand is placed on my shoulder. I jump and spin around to meet the tired eyes of Aamon. He has a hand pressed against his side where his stab wound is. My heart clenches at the sight.

I did that to him...

Aamon pulls me close into his arms. I let him cradle me to his chest, wrapping my arms around his middle.

     One hand stays around my shoulders while his other hand runs through my curly locks of hair.

       "Ansel," Aamon whispers. He pulls back and cups my face. "What are you doing up so late?"

       I look out towards a large window to see it is in fact night time. A small sliver of a moon hangs brightly in the dark sky. I take a deep breath, burying my face back into Aamon's chest.

"Go back to your bedchamber Ansel. I will wake you for breakfast later on in the day. Goodnight." Aamon kisses the top of my head before turning on his heel and heading back down the hall.

I stand at the top of the stairs for a while. Just breathing steadily and looking out into the forest through the window.

I sniff the air, not catching the scent of anyone near me. Then I bolt down the large staircase and to the Palace's large front doors. I push one open and sneak off into the cold night. As I run I pull my clothes off and tie them to my thigh. I drop the bouquet of tulips to the ground. Petals scatter across the stone steps.

I shift into my light brown wolf and dart into the Evergreen Forest. I will my wolf to run as fast as I can through the trees and over the roots that stick out of the ground.

The sky becomes clouded and it begins to downpour. For some reason, this seems familiar to me. The ground becomes muddy and the tree roots and rocks are covered by the mud.

I catch sight of a clearing with a small log cabin that sits next to a lake. The cabin looks abandoned so I walk up the steps and shift into my human form. I shiver violently from the cold rain pelting onto my body. I quickly pull on my wet clothes and knock on the door.

"H-hello? Is anyone t-there?" My teeth chatter together painfully as I speak. When no one answers I open the door. I step into the cabin and take in my surroundings. There is a wooden table, a torn green couch, and an unlit stone fireplace. I call out again.

This time I hear heavy footsteps coming from a hallway that I didn't notice. A man walks into the room tiredly and stops when he sees me. His eyes widen when he spots me, still in the doorway.

The man in front of me could have only been at least twenty years old. He has the lightest blonde hair that I've ever seen. It looks almost white. He has tanned skin and large muscles. The man is extremely tall and handsome. His lips are full and plump. He smells of citrus fruit. The man raises his eyebrow and sniffs the air. His beautiful bright brown eyes meet mine.

"Mate..." The man whispers.



I wake up to a frantic knock on my door. I feel my restless wolf pacing in my head. I groan and rub my aching temples. I climb out of my bed and swing open the door.

      Beta Aamon stands in the hallway. His chest rising and falling harshly. He pushes past me and looks around my room. He throws the covers back on my bed and growls.

       "Beta Aamon. What is the meaning of this?" I growl out.

       "He is not here," Aamon says softly. "He's not here!"

"Who is not here?" I ask.

         "Ansel! He's gone! I told him To go back to his bedchamber and get some sleep, and I went to check on him and he wasn't there. I thought that maybe he could have come into your bedchamber but... I can't lose him again!"

          "Go and get my father. I will call the guards. We will find..." Aamon interrupts me.

         "It's raining out. An absolute downpour. If he went outside we will not be able to track his scent! Oh, Goddess... Oh, Goddess! This can't be happening again!" Aamon runs out of the room and down in the direction of my father's bedchamber.

         My heart clenches painfully in my chest. This is just like when Ansel and I were pups. The day that he had wandered too far away in that storm. I have to find him.

I shift into my large wolf and rush to the palace doors. I notice that they are slightly ajar. I howl harshly into the night and rush out into the Evergreen Forest.

I'm coming, Ansel. And when I find you, you will be mine forever. I will not let you go again.

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