Chapter 1: The guy from starbucks.

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"What can I get you?" I ask, trying to be as enthusiastic as possible due to my annoying boss complaining that I'm way too "cold" to customers.

Which is absolute, complete bullshit. But, it's true. Why would I be happy though? There's no reason to be. I'm never going to see these people ever again in my life, so what's the point in being friendly or making a good impression.

To be honest I've had a pretty fucked up life, so therefore I am fucked up, but isn't everyone in the world a bit fucked up?

Damn, that got deep real fast, anyway...

"I'll just have a pumpkin spice frap thanks." He replies, staring at me weirdly, clearly noticing that I zoned out for a second.
"Coming right up." I say, with a fake ass smile.

"Thanks." He says, in a husky deep voice.
His voice is so calming, I could listen to it for hours, he's also very attrative with the most defined jawline I've ever seen.

It's nice to call a boy attractive since I haven't really been interested in boys and relationships for the past few years.

It wasn't really on my mind considering I had to worry about paying for rent, food and other bills. Since I'm 18 years old now and have to look after myself, I manage though, barely.

As I get home I think about the boy today at starbucks, it's quite sad that I'll never see him again. I don't normally get attached to people so easily due to my past, especially strangers. But this guy, he was different.
There was something unique about him.

I check my fridge for dinner to eat and there's literally nothing, fucking great.

I get in my car and head to the mall even though it's closing in like 10 minutes, I sped so fast that I'm scared I'm going to get pulled over, luckily I don't, somehow.

As soon as I arrive at the mall it was about to close and I ran inside as quickly as I could. It was the only mall open, since it's sunday.

I fell on top of someone suddenly, trying to get there in time before the doors closed but they shut.

We both got up quickly and I went extremely red with embarrasment.

As I look up I can't believe it, it's the boy from starbucks.

"Hey." He says, smiling.
"Hey." I say, nervously.

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