An Unlikely Team

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~Based on a random Tumblr prompt. Should I write more to this story? Let me know in the comments!~

Being a villain in an unprecedented age of hero meant being prepared for anything. At any moment one of those flighty, egotistical super heroes could show up and challenge you to the death. With the rise in heroes it wasn't completely out of the possibility.

Gasteracantha fornicata (Nicata for short) had spent years moving from dwelling to dwelling, leaving no traces that could be followed. Finally, about eighteen months prior she had found a broken down shack at the edge of town. On paper it didn't exist- it had been scheduled for demolition years ago, but for some unknown reason it was still standing. Of course it was lacking in certain areas, but sometimes working against those overly powerful monarchs calling themselves heroes meant sacrificing hot water.

Nicata believed she'd found her safe place. She had been working on upgrading the place in her spare time and it almost resembled something livable by now. So although rain drilled through the holes in the roof, a warm fire danced in the hearth.

When there was a knock on the door, Nicata was more startled than she had any right to be.

Sure it had always been a possibility that someone might find her, but it had seemed less and less likely. But- what kind of hero knocked? No, they would have barged in, knocking down the door and possibly causing the entire place to collapse as a result.

Nicata relaxed incrementally, still keeping her shield in place and made for the door only to recoil when she pulled it open.

It was Aqua-girl, Nicata's arch nemesis... except. Except she wasn't wearing her usual teal blue body suit or her patented stubborn expression. Her hair wasn't tied back and out of the way, but fell forward in soaked waves in front of her face. She was drenched from head to toe from the rain and there was no spark in her eye. Was this a trick?

"I can't do this anymore," Aqua spoke, her voice a quiet monotone.

Nicata stared in shock at the hero, standing uninvited in front her home, weak and trembling in the cold. She couldn't form a single sentence.

"I don't know how to do this- how to keep fighting. Just... just k-kil me now. Or lock me up. Or whatever you've been planning this whole time, I don't care. But I can't do this. I can't live like this anymore. I can't... I cannot keep fighting you-"

Nicata softened the admission, her heart melting and shields falling away. This was no trick. Aqua was pale and exhausted and on the verge of tears. She left the villain no choice.

"Hush, little hero, who did this to you?" Aqua flinched at the sound of Nicata's voice, her eyes going wide as she was pulled into strong arms. "Come in and have a cup of tea, I promise you'll be safe here. I won't let them hurt you anymore."

Nicata felt the moment Aqua relaxed into the embrace, breaking down in shuddering sobs. "P-please. Please-"

"Shh, shh. Come on." She led the hero through her house to sit her in front of the fire. She was ready to fight, blood boiling in her veins. But first, first she had to comfort this mess of a girl crying in her house. Then those monsters would pay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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