Antigone Scene 2 Rewrite

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting these much lately. My creative writing class was only a semester long so I don't have as much time to write anymore. I'm not sure if anyone is actually interested in reading this, but it's basically a scene from the play Antigone except it takes place in a different time and place so the dialogue is different- it was a project for English.

                                                                         Act One

                                                                       Scene Two  

Best friends Creon, Oscar (the ode) and Choragos sit together at lunch as usual, waiting for the rest of their friends to join them. Except this time, they’re approached by a nerdy boy with overgrown hair before the rest of their friends arrive. His name is Henry (the sentry).

Creon: Why are you here?

Henry: Relax, I don’t want to be seen with you jocks anymore than you want to be seen with me. I only came over to tell you to keep your friend in check.

Creon: Who are you to tell us how to treat our friends? Go back to your table of dorks and leave us alone.

Oscar: Yeah, go unless you have something of actual importance to say.

Henry:  I do. One of your preppy followers has been associating with one of us. We can’t let that happen, our table’s whole IQ will go down.

Choragos: None of our friends would ever risk hanging out with any of your type.

[Antigone and Ismene reach the table]

Henry: It was her! Antigone is the one that has been hanging out with one of my friends.

Creon: Antigone, tell me this isn’t true. You wouldn’t actually hang out with one of these dweebs, would you?

[Antigone and Ismene sit down as Henry leaves]

Antigone: So what if I was? It was only once, over the weekend. Jack was nice- and smart.

Ismene: Antigone stop it. Just promise you won’t do it again so we can eat lunch.

Choragos: You can’t be serious.

Creon: And Ismene, you knew about this?

Antigone: I asked if she wanted to come on Friday, but she wouldn’t. She said it wasn’t worth making you guys mad.

Creon: You didn’t care about making us mad though? You would just go against all our beliefs and jeopardize our entire group of friends so you could talk to a nerd?

Antigone: I was tutoring him, okay?

Oscar: That only makes it worse!

Creon: Since when do you tutor nerds? When you first became part of our group of friends you promised not to associate with their type. Didn’t you hear me when I said that?

Choragos: I did.

Antigone: I also heard you, but I had to help him. Jack is a friend of my family’s and I couldn’t let him fail his big calculus test. It’s worth forty percent of his grade.

Ismene: Antigone, just say you’re sorry!

Antigone: But I’m not sorry!

Oscar: What?

Choragos: You’re going to regret that…

Creon: Fine, if you feel so strongly about this, go sit with your nerd friends. You’re no longer welcome at the cool table.

Antigone: Fine, I will! If that’s what you want.

Creon: It is. You can’t sit with us if you don’t regret putting our table at risk of being turned into a laughing stock.

Ismene: Please guys, don’t do this. We’re all friends here. Let’s just forget it.

Choragos: How could we forget it when Antigone blatantly went against Creon?

Ismene: I know it sounds difficult, but I’m sure she doesn’t mean it. And what about Haimon? He’ll be upset when he finds out you guys made Antigone sit somewhere else.

Creon: I’m sure my brother will understand once we tell him what she did.

Ismene: Oh poor Haimon, he’ll have to choose between his girlfriend and his friends.

Creon: There will be no choice, he will stay with us.

Ismene: But-

Antigone: Ismene, stop, I don’t mind. I don’t have to sit here. I would rather move to another table than stay here and listen to Creon talk badly about my other friends.

Ismene: I’ll go with you then.

Antigone: I know you want to stay here.

Ismene: Not if you’re leaving.

Antigone: No, you didn’t want to go against his stupid rule in the first place. Why would you want to leave them now?

Ismene: You’re my sister. I’ll stay with you.

Antigone: No Ismene. These are your friends you already picked them. I didn’t, I’ll leave. Please, Creon, don’t make Ismene leave, she’s still part of your group.

Creon: I’m tired of waiting. You will leave right now Antigone.

Antigone: And what about Ismene? Can she still sit here?

Ismene: I don’t want to sit here without you.

Antigone: Hush Ismene. Ignore her, Creon, she’s just a little upset.

Creon: I’ll decide that later, for today neither of you can sit here. So go Antigone, we’re punishing you to social murder.

[Antigone and Ismene exit, going separate ways]

Oscar: I can’t believe she would do that. Doesn’t she understand the importance of our groups not mixing? Who would’ve thought Antigone would be the one to go against your decisions. Oh well, it’s over now, she’s part of our past.

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