The Selection Criteria

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Round 1: Advertising and Marketing


Is the font and artwork appropriate to the story type?

Is the layout clear, with no competing images?

Is the text easy to read?

Are the colours appealing/eye-catching/complementary/appropriate to the story?


Is there a title at all, or is there just a pic?

Does the title match the cover? (The title "Snow White" over a pic of Hogwarts)

Is it engaging and/or interesting?

It is genre appropriate?

Does it "say something" or add an extra dimension to the idea in the blurb?


Does the phrasing spark interest in the story and make you want to open the book?

Does it sound like the author knows that the story is about, or is still vague on it?

Does it give you a fair idea of what kind of a story you are going to get? (action, romance, comedy...)

Is it too short or too long for your taste?

Round 2: The Story Hook.

Snippet (1st chapter, NOT prologue) 

Is it well-written?

Can you immediately tell what kind of a story it is / what is happening? Or is it confusing and awkward?

Is the voice/tone appropriate to the genre and what the blurb promised?

Do you want to read on?

Round 3: Writing Ability

The first two chapters (a chapter is defined by turning a page, not by the number in the heading. Very long first chapters may count as 2.)

Is the grammar correct?

How well are the characters and setting presented and described.

Is the story engaging?

How well-crafted is the writing?

Would you pay money to read more?

The Bookshop Gauntlet (CLOSED FOR JUDGING)Where stories live. Discover now