She was Grumpy

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"Arden" I whispered, nudging her sleeping body, only making it grasp onto my arm tighter. "Arden you're holding on to my arm really tight."

"Your arm is warm and this room is cold. Need I go on?" She grumbled, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. I chuckled, watching her childlike features as she tucked her top lip under her bottom one.

"I have class right now Arden."

"Does it really look like I care?"

"No?" I said, the words sounding more like a question than an answer.

"You're smarter than you look." She groaned, releasing her hold on me, only to flip over and grasp a pillow instead. My skin burned from the absence of her touch as my eyes lingered on her. She shriveled into a fetal position, her hair laid out every which way.

"Gee thanks." I chuckled.

"There's a box of lucky charms on the counter and a chocolate chip muffin if you're hungry. I have to head out or I'll be late for my 10 o'clock class. I assume you know the way out?" I explained, searching around for my jumper and shoes.

"You're nice, Harry Styles. Thank you for making sure I'm taken care of." She muttered, flipping around to face me. Her eyes were squinted as she smiled, her lips covering her teeth in a small grin.

"Chivalry's not dead, Arden Stone. What kind of person would I be if I let you walk around believing that?"

"The normal kind?" She questioned.

"Looks like I'm not normal either."

"I'll let myself out when it's noon. Goodnight Harry. I'll see you later?" She mumbled, turning back over. I chuckled, making my way out of the room with a smile on my face.

As soon as I shut the door, I was shocked by the smile that paraded it's way into my face.

As much as I hated it. As many times as I denied it or wanted it to go away. As completely wrong it would be. I liked Arden. I enjoyed her presence more than anyone else I'd ever met.

I'd always thought, one day my perfect girl would walk into my life and make everything better. She'd be perfect, with no flaw or problem. That's just how I'd always pictured my life.

But Arden wasn't perfect. She was loud and obnoxious. She talked with food in her mouth and kicked in her sleep. She always had to get the last word and she had the mental maturity of a 5 year old.

But for some odd reason, that sounded like perfect to me.

No, I didn't love Arden. I wasn't completely and madly in love with every part of her. In fact, part of me wondered why I even liked her. We were polar opposites.

But I did like her.

I didn't want to sweep her off her feet and ride off into the sunset, I just liked the idea of meeting in the library. Every night at midnight. It was constant. I wanted Arden to be constant.

So that night, I waited in the library; just like I always did. And she showed up, just like she always did. With her red shoes and camera in hand. She waltzed in without a care in the world, just like she always did.

"Your hair is up?" I questioned, acknowledging the bun atop her head.

"It usually is." She chuckled, sitting down.

"Last night it was down, I liked it. It looked-it looked nice." I awkwardly explained, scratching the back of my neck. I ran my fingers through my curls, taming their mess.

"Umm, thanks?" She muttered, letting out a laugh.

"You should wear it down more. Why don't you?"

"I don't know. No ones ever really asked me to. When Elliot died, my parents just stopped expecting things of me. They didn't want to put to much pressure on me I guess. So I don't know. I guess no ones ever really expected any better of me than messy buns and tee shirts, granted I do like to dress this way." She explained, looking down at the table, but keeping her face bold.

"You don't have to change for anyone, especially not me, but if you ever wondered if anyone would care if you tried, I would. Just keep that in mind."



Short I know I'm sorry!

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