She was Lovely in the strangest way

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"Nice room" she muttered, looking around my spotless dorm room.

"Yeah. I bet you're not use to seeing the floors."

"Hey, no need to be mean!" She joked, sticking her tongue out at me as I threw her a towel. It landed on her head, making me laugh and her pout. I walked over, pulling it off of her head. I wrapped it around her wet shoulders, shaking it a few times before leaving it to her to dry herself.

"Bathrooms over there, here's a shirt and some shorts. You can stay here if you want, since your dorm is on the other side of campus. I'll sleep on the couch." I explained, stripping myself of my shirt before scrambling to find a fresh one.

"Don't be stupid, Harry Styles. There's no reason I can't sleep on the floor." She argued, wrapping herself tightly in the warmth of the towel.

"You're not sleeping on the floor. What kind of a boy makes a girl sleep on the floor? That breaks all laws of chivalry." I countered. Once I found a fresh tee shirt, I threw it on, allowing myself the warmth it provided.

"Chivalry is dead, library boy."

"I disagree."

"Then how about we both sleep on the floor? It can be like a slumber party!" She suggested, pulling out her best valley girl accent when saying 'slumber party'.

"Alright fine. But if at any point you find yourself uncomfortable, you can sleep on the bed."

"Fine. Now you set up while I go change."

With that, she shivered her way to the bathroom, leaving only my thoughts and I to make a palate on the floor. What am I doing?

Well it's obvious, you're attracted to a girl who is the exact opposite of you in every way possible and you're not sure why.

But she's just Arden, the Arden who eats cereal and takes weird pictures of me.


"Can you stop thinking so hard? You're giving me a headache!"

"Sorry, just, ya know, thinking."


"The bed's ready, you can lay down." I muttered awkwardly. She smiled meekly, grasping the bun atop her head. She pulled the band holding it together, letting her long wavy locks cascade down her shoulders. My tee shirt seemed miles long on her, reaching the middle of her unshaven thigh.

"What? We're not gonna braid each other's hair and talk about boys?"

"I haven't got much hair to braid." I chuckled.

"Yeah, mines far too tangled to braid anyway." She said offhandedly, laying back onto the pillows.

"There's a brush in the bathroom if you want it-"

"Oh God no. I never brush my hair. It'll become a frazzled mess. Better that I leave it tangled." She corrected, placing her hand on my lips to cut me off.

I shook my head, smiling as I rolled my eyes.

"We can talk about boys though, if you so please." I joke, making her mirror my shaking head.

"The only two boys in my life since Matthew Jackson stole my cookie in 2nd grade are Elliot and my Dad."


"Elliot's in heaven. But ya know, my brother is still my brother even if he's dead." She shrugged.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. What about you? What boys are in you're life?" She chuckled. I shrugged, my body language simulating that I didn't care.

"I have a sister."

"What about your dad?"

"What about him?" I'm mumbled, laying back to stare at the ceiling.

"Where is he?" She questioned, her voice soft as she laid back next to me. We both sat in silence for a second, watching the ceiling with such intent that you'd assume it were going to move.

"Your guess is as good as mine." I whispered, keeping my gaze connected with the ceiling. I dared not look into Arden's sympathetic eyes, for fear that they'd do one of two things.

Anger me or break me down.

Both of which could not happen.

"Well he's a piece of shit."

With that, I let out the most obnoxious laugh. Not at all was I expecting that to come from the petite girl's mouth. I figured she would apologize, or tell me I deserve better. But she didn't, and for that I was grateful.

"Don't move, library boy." She muttered, grabbing her camera as I continued to laugh. With 3 quiet clicks, she smiled, setting the camera back down.

"Do I look happy in those photographs?"

"Your smile is like a million different stars, all trapped within a 3 inch crevice on your face."

"Why do you love analogies so much?"

"Because they help describe what cannot possibly be explained through words. Like for instance, your smile." She hummed, smiling at the ceiling. I smiled too, for lack of words to describe the infinite amount of thoughts running through my mind.

"The way you picture things is quite beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"You'd be the first, Harry Styles."

With that, we laid and enjoyed the comfortable silence that fogged the room. I quite enjoyed silence though, and contrary to common belief, I think Arden enjoyed silence as well. Of course, she was loud and honest and childlike in the way she pronounced her thoughts as though I'd been dying to hear them, but that was Arden.

She was a million different stars, trapped within her 5'4 frame.

So as I laid there, watching her as she watched the ceiling, I questioned if I'd ever have enough words to describe Arden Stone.

There were very few things I knew about Arden, one of them being that she was unusually and exceedingly peculiar; and all around quite impossible to describe.

Part of me wished I could be that way. That I could be anything but ordinary. Something other than just simple and plain. I wanted to know what it felt like; to be anything but ordinary, the way Arden was. I longed for the feeling of being different, of being something other than just plain old me.

There were very few things I knew about Arden Samantha Stone, one of them being that she was, in fact, lovely in the strangest of ways.



Pic of Arden on the side


Lulu <3

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