The coffee date

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He looked me up and down. Studied my features. My clothes. Making me self conscious of my choice of clothes. I might have chosen this to impress him more than I would like to admit. The skirt wasn't the shortest but if I bended over it would not cover that much and my top was showing a lot of stomach and some cleavage too.
"You look... very beautiful today," he smiled his charming player smile at me and I pretended like it didn't affect me at all.
"Thank you sir. It's so hot today so I just couldn't be bothered with a long shirt or pants".
"Let's go drink that coffee?" I quickly said before he could say anything else.
He laid his hand on my back. Just above my butt. His touch felt like a burning sensation.

"What would you like?" He asked me as he was heading towards the front desk. You. I want you was all I could think, but I somehow managed to say black coffee without mentioning him. Meanwhile our coffees got ready I was getting us a table. A nice table by the window.
"I actually had a table in mind" he said and guided me towards a spiral staircase. In far corner of the upstairs room there was a lounge area with some bookcases. It was quite a private area compared to the other areas.
"I like to come here. It's a nice, quiet area," he placed or coffee on the table and gestures me to sit down. I sat in a very comfortable couch and he sat down in the other end of it.

"So, Mila. How do you like my classes and me as your professor?"
I tried to come up with something quickly that wasn't inappropriate. "I think you are a very good professor sir, I enjoy your classes".
He moved closer towards me until he reached my ear and whispered "then how come you don't pay attention to what I'm saying during class," I felt shivers down my back and I felt like I was busted. Of course he had noticed that I had stared at him during class. He looked into my eyes. "You really don't want to know sir. I'm serious. Don't ask me that. I can't lie to you..." I felt myself blush because there would not be any good outcome of this.
He smirked "now I'm really intrigued. Now I have to know." He licked his lips and he was so close to me.
"I just couldn't focus today. Because. I couldn't stop thinking about you shirtless. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so sorry professor."
He laughed at me. Actually laughed at me. God I felt stupid. I could've come up with and excuse but no I just had to say that.
"Well, Mila, it's not good being behind already. You really have to focus from now on. On other things than my body..." he half whispered to me.
"Of course Martinèz. I'm sorry."

We talked for a while about my travels here why I wanted to leave England and my opportunities here.
"What's your favourite book? They've got a lot of good books here" I got up to look at the books available in the cosy corner of the coffee shop. There were a lot of classics and some newer once's as well. I bend forward to grab a book. My favourite book. I had forgotten all about my clothes choice as I was bend forward but suddenly it hit me hard. I was turned directly against Martinèz and had probably flashed everything to him. I quickly got up and turned around and hoped that he hadn't noticed anything. He looked flushed. "This is my favourite" I gave it to him and sat back down. He cleared his throat. "1984. A classic, nice choice, I'm sorry to cut this relatively short, but I have to go now. I have a student waiting for me. I am going to help her with some stuff".
"Yeah no problem. Thanks for the coffee sir" we got up at the same time and clashed our body and heads together. "Oh my god. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy," I said while he grabbed my back so I wouldn't fall back.
I looked at his body. His pants were tight over his crotch that was definitely hard. I looked into his eyes because he was looking directly down at me. He had hid it well when we sat down but now it was clear. I had exposed everything to him.
"I guess it's my turn to be embarrassed now," he ran a hand through his hair. "Your skirt was just.. you know short and I'm a man. I couldn't help it. I'm sorry. I'm your professor and I acted very unprofessional," he said while looking me in my eyes.
I have no idea where my next sentence came from "your voice says sorry but your eyes and your body doesn't. You liked watching, huh? I've heard rumours about you Martinèz. I'm not that kind of girl, just so you know," I wasn't mad. Actually I felt pretty excited but I wasn't just the kind of girl to sleep with my teacher so I had to make a boundary between us.
I straightened my shirt and left him at the coffee shop with his eyes burning my back.

Professor, please...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt