Where I go Mr. Martinèz will be

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"Mila, what the hell was that? I thought you would find him nasty and now you're going on a date with him? You totally want to do him!" Elijah almost yelled at me as soon as we left the room.
"I'm serious Eli, shut up! I'm not going to do him, and it's not even a real date, it's just a 'I feel sorry for you being an idiot that trips over air' coffee" I face palmed myself because I actually really deserved it.

I was reminded by my fathers words each time I wanted to dance ballet as a child. He would always say "with those two left feet?" laugh and pull me into a hug. I missed them but I loved being here.

"But since you interrupted my coffee 'date' we should go to the shop at get some. I'm so thirsty and we can look at tomorrow's homework as well, what do you say?" I asked Elijah.
"I know you're thirsty girl, but I agree we should do that," he laughed at me and smiled lovingly at me.

The coffee shop was small. Not too small but the cosy kind of small. It was on campus so it would have to be able to fit some students there. It was kind of cabin ish looking and that made it even cosier. I had always loved the look of dark wood. Even though it was very sunny it had a lovely fall vibe about it.
Inside was just as beautiful. I ordered just an ordinary black coffee and Eli ordered a salted caramel latte with lots of whipped cream.

The beautiful girl at the front desk had commented on my accent and said I was beautiful and told me that if I ever needed another guide she was available.
Eli looked at me like I had offended him, but she did offer me 30% of my coffee and who says no to that?

One of the girls at the table behind us suddenly yelled out "professor Martinèz it's so nice to run into you again today, I actually have a question for you. Can I hit you up later?" He had turned around just after she said his name and looked at her. He moved closer to her and leaned against their table. "Of course Lina," he said while he noticed my presence at the table just next to her, "just come by my place later and we can go over your questions, alright," he kept eye contact with me but his hand was on her thigh. The girl Lina, sounded excited.

"Hello Mila. Coffee after class tomorrow, don't say no," he said and greeted Elijah before stepping away to get his coffee.
"Can I get a black coffee to go please" the dark voice at the desk said and my eyes were glued to his back.

Eli gave me once again one of his looks, "he just asked you out after he made a sex appointment with that slutty girl Lina. God I wish it was me," he whined out. I just rolled my eyes at him.

We stayed there for a while and caught up on our sociology homework for tomorrow. The girl at the desk gave me her number before her shift ended, and asked me to call her later if I wanted to hang out. I texted her that I was quite jet lagged but I would love to hang out another day.

The next day I got up around 6.30 to do my morning run. It was burning hot to run in this heat. I love running in the morning. It made me feel so much better during the day. I saw a shadow running besides me suddenly and of course I almost tripped over myself because I was startled.

Firm hands grabbed me so I wouldn't fall. I looked up at the shadow that had grabbed me and saw professor Martinèz. He was shirtless and sweat was dripping down his muscular body.
"I didn't mean to scare you Mila, I just wanted to say hello to you"
"I was just in my own thoughts. I really enjoy the view here," I said before realising that...
"I bet you do," he said referring to the discrete stares I had given his muscular upper body. "See you in class," he winked at me and started running again.

I felt really embarrassed for looking like my professor like that, but come on he's too hot to not look at him. It's clear to me that he's a player.

Class was going to start soon so I jumped in a crop top and and skirt. I put on a little bit of makeup and dried my hair.

Eli waved at me to come sit beside him and I did. He was wearing a yellow shirt today and it complemented his beautiful darker skin.
Everyone went quiet when mr. Martinèz walked into the room. He entered the podium with ease. "Hello class. How are you today? Today we will talk about Auguste Comte, what a society is and why it's interesting to study the scientific behaviour of human beings," he started teaching.
All I could focus on was how he looked this morning without his white t shirt. How the sweat dropped down along his abs and how he would shower after his run.
"See you later Mila," Elijah yelled to me from the door and I woke up from my trance I had daydreamed about our professor the entire class. How was I supposed to drink coffee with him now?

"Are you ready?"

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