Chapter 2

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I woke up to an empty room. It didn't surprise me. My parents were home. I told them that I was old enough to stay here by my self. The silent room allowed me to hear all the creeks and outside-of-the-room noises that I would prefer not to hear. I turned on the television so I did have to hear the silence. 

The channel that was suddenly playing and being watched by one was the news. I feel sleep watching it last night, my nurse must have turned it off. How nice of her. 

It finished a story about a missing person alert in a county a few miles from here and then quickly ran through the stories they were going to play in the next hour. 

I lay in my bed until the commercials started and then I hauled myself out of bet and to my window. This was the biggest city I have ever been in, though it was a small one compared to others in the country. I had been watching the cars go by for only a minute when my phone when off. 

It was one of my friends from the attack. Sam texted me 'How's it going'. Then our conversation when like this 

'Fine, but I want out!' 

" I know u do bud, I hated that place, it smelt weird and when I left, the city did too, but a different kind of weird, like the air was dirty.' 

'EW! I want back on the farm!' 


'how's it going down there?' 

'like always, work, but my parents are letting be take it slow, but I really don't need to, im so done with this' 

' me to' 

He didn't respond after that but by then I was in bed again watching a breaking news blip. 

"Breaking news: a small SUV has swerved off a back road and hit a tree! There were three people in the car, one being a 13 year old girl who has been rushed to the local Hospital in critical condition. All others in the car have been sent to the hospital as well with only minor cuts and some small breaks. No more information has been released yet." 

That incident was actually real close. It wouldn't surprise me if that girl was at this hospital now.  

Just after seeing that my phone went off. I answered it.


"hey Hunter! How is everything?"

It was my mom.

"fine mom" 

" that's good.... So you know Dakota ?" 

"yes mom!" 

" well she just got in a car accident. She will be okay but she is actually at the same hospital as you! She wont be coming home for another week, but don't worry, we are just going to wait till she comes home we aren't going to meet her early but-"

I hung up. I was tired of hearing about the new girl who was coming to live with us. I don't know anything about her other then she lived in Raleigh North Carolina and now she lives with us. I'm glad she is in the hospital. It must be the same girl from the TV. 

Just then my nurse came in with some of my clothes that my parents dropped of yesterday. 

"great! Can I get dressed now?" I asked her 

"sure." she said and left the room.  

I took off the stupid gown they have made me wear for a month and but on my boxers and a nice pair of worn in blue jeans and a T shirt. I slipped into my boots too and they fit good surprisingly! I was so happy.  

In a few minutes the nurse came back in with some food. I ate it and thanked her and said our goodbyes. Within an hour my parents were there. I hugged them both and soon, we were on our way home.  

In the car, my mom had to talk about Dakota. I didn't listen. I don't like her because she will just be another person I have to clean up after. If I have to has someone to live with us then it would be a guy! Not a girl!

When we got there, we walked in the door to a dark room. When I turned on the light, I herd a loud noise.

"SURPRISE!" a bunch of people yelled. 

I looked around. The whole room was decorated and there was a big sign that said "Welcome Home Hunter!". Everyone I knew was there. I thanked my parents for planning it and we partied for a while. It was fun but i was glad when it was over. Sam, Austin and the other four boys all stayed over. We went to the bonus room upstairs and played video games for the rest of the night.

" Good to have you back hunter!" Sam said to me with a pat on the back. 

" it's good to be back!" I said. 

"so who's the girl who's gonna live with you?" Austin asked 

"Dakota, some girl from Raleigh, she's 13, she got in a car wreck on the way here so she is supposed to get here Thursday nigh," i said rolling my eyes. 

"you never know... She might be cute!" Sam said 

" even if she is she's 13!" I told him 

" so, that's only 3 years, my parents are 5 years apart," Austin said 

"I don't care I don't want her." I said and that was the last thing I said about her for the rest of the night.

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