Guardian: Little Things 25, 26 & 27

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Imagine #25: Zhao Yun Lan the Introvert?!

Contrary to popular belief, Zhao Yun Lan is actually quite introverted. When he doesn't have to work or go out socializing for the sake of his job, he prefers to stay at home alone. Most of the time, he would be playing games and on days where he doesn't feel like moving, he would watch a movie or two and then go to bed. If Da Qing is in a good mood, Da Qing would stay beside Yun Lan and let Yun Lan pat and stroke his head. Sure, it was a little lonely. But at least he could be himself and didn't have to put on a mask to entertain others.

Now that Yun Lan has Shen Wei, he appreciates his day off even more. His routine is still pretty much the same. He would still play games or watch movies, but he would now drag Shen Wei along. Shen Wei happily complies and would sit beside Yun Lan to read or do his work quietly. Sometimes, they would cuddle while they watch a movie together.

On days where Shen Wei is found reading reports on the bed, Yun Lan cannot help but plop himself on top of the professor like a giant puppy and just lie there doing nothing but savouring the moment. Taking in the scent of Shen Wei's skin and feeling Shen Wei's body rising up and down slowly as he breathes makes Yun Lan feels as if he has found his little piece of heaven on earth.

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Imagine #26: Shen Wei the Clueless

Shen Wei has no concept of money. His pay from the university has always been more than sufficient for his simplistic lifestyle. The staff at SID realises this and some tend to take advantage of Shen Wei because of this (they have become so comfortable with Shen Wei that they sometimes forget that the gentle professor is indeed the same Ghost Slayer whom they fear so much). The one who benefited the most from Shen Wei's lack of financial sense is Da Qing. The fat fuq would always get Shen Wei to buy him expensive food  whenever Yun Lan is not around.

Yun Lan only found out about this by accident one day when he saw Shen Wei carrying a truckload of expensive fish as Shen Wei was coming back from his grocery shopping. Needless to say, the fat fuq got his food supply cut down for three months by Yun Lan. Yun Lan even threatened Da Qing to apologise to Shen Wei or have his food supply cut down for another three months. Ever since then, Yun Lan has taken it upon himself to handle all their expenses instead.

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Imagine #27: Phone Contacts

**The first time when Yun Lan saved his own name in Shen Wei's phone, he flirtatiously saved it as "Ah Lan". Yun Lan later tried to get Shen Wei to change it to "The Love of My Life" but Shen Wei did not bother to because he thinks that the flirty "Ah Lan" does suit Yun Lan somehow.

Yun Lan initially saved Shen Wei as "Professor Shen" on his own phone. When he started pursuing Shen Wei, "Professor Shen" was changed to "Beloved Xiao Wei". After the two of them became an item, "Beloved Xiao Wei" was changed to "My Beautiful Wifey" and has remained so ever since.

Shen Wei found out about this when he called Yun Lan one day only to realise that Yun Lan had left his phone on the table near Shen Wei. Shen Wei turned red with embarrassment when he saw the flashing screen and he tried desperately to get Yun Lan to change it. Yun Lan however, was adamant on not changing it and said that the only way he would ever change it is if they broke up or if he died. Shen Wei could not do anything about it but he started wondering if he should stop calling Yun Lan so much.

[**Note: This is actually found in the novel]

[**Note: This is actually found in the novel]

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[Note: Thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support so far! This is my first time writing and I didn't expect that this would get so much love.]

[I'd like to personally thank weilan.10000 for inspiring me to write the first of this Imagine series. Follow her on Instagram to get your daily dose of WeiLan. Also, we created a Facebook group just for Guardian boys and girls. Do join us if you are interested. Don't be shy, we don't bite. And we have WeiLan!]


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*Characters are created by the author of Guardian 镇魂, Priest.

*Credits to the artists/owners of the pictures.

More will be added later. Please let me know if you have any ideas/improvements or simply if you like/hate these. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you ~

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