Paradise Lost

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Dean was out of the hospital the next day after he woke up. Dedra, the doctor on his case, checked him over and ruled that, yes, he was fine. Cas looked like a mess, still, but his smile was brighter than ever. As Cas and Dean were on their way out the double doors to meet Sam and Gabe, who had gone home to get a decent night’s sleep, Dedra stopped them.

“Are we gonna get that coffee?” She asked, seductively eying Cas from head to toe. Dean, grabbed Cas’ hand and pulled him as close as he could. When Dedra didn’t notice, Dean pulled Cas in for a long, passionate kiss. Cas was startled, but smiled into the kiss. When they pulled away from each other, after what seemed like an eternity, Dedra was gaping.

“Were you two… When I…. And… I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” Dedra stuttered out, stumbling away as her face turned scarlet. She was followed by the echoes of their laughter.

“What’s with the happy face?” Sam asked, “I’m glad you’re awake, but Dean… I need to tell you something.”

“Sammy, are you getting married?” Dean asked sarcastically.

“N...noooo,” Sam blushed as he drug the word out, “It’s about Bobby…”

“Oh, that,” Dean’s face fell. Cas squeezed his hand comfortingly.

“You know? Who told you?”

“I dreamed about it. Except, it was both of you instead of just Bobby. I was pissed.”

“I’m sorry, Dean,” Gabe interjected, “But I had to save my brother. You understand?”

Dean looked from Sam to Cas and back again. “I understand.”

All of a sudden, a huge gasp of wind seemed to take their surroundings away and they were in a startlingly white.

“Not this again,” Dean mumbled under his breath, pushing Cas behind him. Gabe was also moving into a defensive stance, followed by Sam.

“Mmm, hello, Boys,” a feminine voice resounded off of the walls, “Yes, that sounds better coming from Crowley rather than myself.”

“Who are you?” Cas called from behind Dean.

“Oh, just new management. Welcome to Heaven’s waiting room, boys. I am Raziel and I will be with you in a moment.”

“Who was that?” Dean whipped around to face Cas.

“Raziel, the angel of secrets,” Cas told him, rather confused. Why is Raziel in charge? Where did Naomi go?

The men stood, contemplating what was going on. Eventually, a beautiful, pale woman with soft, brownish- red curls appeared.

“Hello, again. Metatron will see you now,” Raziel winked at Dean as she pushed her glasses up her nose. She giggled as Gabe looked at her, dumbfounded.

“I see you have changed to the other team since you and I last saw each other.”

“I see you still haven’t given up on me.”

Raziel smirked at Gabriel before telling all four men to follow her. Dean shrugged and mumbled something about how they would never get out of it, anyway. They all followed her, Dean still in front of Cas, trying to protect him. They went down a long, narrowing hallway before turning into a large, blindingly white office.

“I told you I wasn’t through with you, yet,” a voice came from the chair behind a large brown desk with nothing but a typewriter on it, “I’m still not done with your story.”

“Metatron?” Cas gasped, “When did you get put in charge?”

“Oh, some time ago. After Chuck left and Naomi had an… unfortunate accident.”

“What do you want?” Dean demanded.

“Just a good story, Dean. Just a good story.”

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