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HarryYou noticed Harry looking at you throughout the concert. You saw the way his eyes seemed to found you, no matter where he was standing on the stage. You didn’t really believe it though. You were sure it was just in your mind, and he was just looking at the entire crowd. His eyes may have seemed to be on you, but you weren’t stupid. You knew that wasn’t possible. Why would Harry Styles stare at you all concert long? It was a nice thought to have, but you pushed it away. It just wasn’t reality, you told yourself. Only it was. As much as you told yourself it wasn’t, the truth was, Harry had kept his eyes on you all night. It was a weird feeling for him. He couldn’t say why, but he just knew there was something special about you. You weren’t meant to be just another fan, you were more, and while you were busy telling yourself you were crazy, he was trying to figure out how he would meet you.

Zayn: Concerts were normally the same for Zayn. He’d get on stage. He’d sing, have fun, and perform. He’d get off stage, and go back to the bus to move on the the next city. It was all very routine. He was used to that. So he was really shocked when suddenly he didn’t want to quickly move on the the next city. Instead, all he wanted to do was stay on that stage forever, and stare. He saw you during the very first song, and there was an instant connection he could not explain. He had never felt that way before. Normally he just saw a crowd of people, and no one really stood out. You did though. You stood out a lot. All he could think of the entire concert, was how he would meet you. He had no idea how it would happen, but he was determined to learn your name before leaving for the next city.

Liam: It is one of those things that is just not meant to ever happen. The lights are too bright. There are too many people in the crowd. There are so many reasons why Liam never should have noticed you sitting in the front row. Fate however, someone made it so he did. He was right in the middle of singing, trying to make sure he wasn’t messing anything up, when his eyes caught yours. You thought it was in your mind, when you noticed his brown eyes locked on you. Of the thousands of people here, why would he look at you for longer than a few moments? As if he could even see you anyway. He could though, and he knew somehow he would have to meet you. There was just something he could not explain, that he instantly felt the moment he looked at you.

Niall: You were so happy to be at the One Direction concert, and having 4th row seats made it even better. You didn’t really care where you sat, but being close enough to almost touch the boys was pretty amazing. “Niall is so looking at you.” You rolled your eyes, after your friend shouted that at you over all the noise. “Sure of course he is.” You did not believe what she had just said at all. After though, you couldn’t help but notice that Niall kept glancing in your direction. You looked behind you, thinking there must be someone important there, but it was just more fans. “I am sure he just…” “Seriously can’t take his eyes off of you,” your friend finished for you, not at all saying what you were going to say. “No.” “Believe what you want, but he is so staring at you.”

Louis: ”Louis has forgotten words to like every song tonight!” Yet another person around you said those words, after Louis forget what part of the song they were on. He kept doing that tonight. Every song he’d sing, just like the girl said, he’d missed a word, or forgotten completely when it was his part. He seemed so distracted. You were still enjoying it though. Perfect show or not, you were still seeing One Direction in concert, and Louis really messing up, was not going to ruin it for you. And if you’d only known the true reason for his distraction, that it was all over you, and how much he kept looking at you, your night would have only been better. What could top knowing that your favorite singer was forgetting songs he sang every single night, all because he couldn’t take his eyes off of you?

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