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Part 1

Harry: “I promised him I’d go,” you barely got out, as you wiped away a tear rolling down your face. You were getting ready to go to Harry’s wedding, and your heart was broken into a million pieces. Your friends were all telling you not to go, but you kept remembering the moment you told Harry you wouldn’t miss it. “I have to go. I can’t take back what I said.” “You’re going to be a mess [Y/N]. Is it really worth it?” You understood their concern, and knew they were right, you would be a mess. You had to go though, it wasn’t a choice. “I’m going. I just have to… I have to really see him marry her. Part of me doesn’t want to believe this is happening, but it is. I need to see it.” “Just don’t cry, please,” your friend sighed, “Hold it together until you get home at least.”

Louis: You faked a smile every time Louis’ name was mentioned. You pretended you were okay with the entire situation, even if you weren’t. The fact you were furious at him, and could not believe he’d moved on so quickly, was something you wanted no one else to know. He was getting married to her, there was nothing you could do about that. So why should you let anyone else know how hurt you were? “I don’t know how you do it [Y/N]. If my ex were getting married only a few months after we broke up, I’d be so mad. Like you’re amazing.” You faked yet another smile, “I can’t change it. We’re over. A year or a month, it doesn’t matter how long.” Your friend did not understand the calmness you were showing, “I guess, but I would seriously be going crazy.” The false smile you wore stayed on your face, even if you were doing exactly that; going crazy over the entire situation.

Zayn: It took you a while to truly believe that Zayn was getting married. It just didn’t feel real. How could he move on? Sure it had been over a year, but you still loved him so much, and you thought he felt the same way for you. You finally did believe it though, when your friends all began to receive their save the dates, and you’d happen to see more than one. “So it’s really happening.” Your best friend nodded, having gotten her invite weeks ago, “In 2 weeks, but I’m not going. I can’t do that to you.” You shook your head sadly, “No go, please. You are Zayn’s friend also. Just tell me if he’s really happy, okay?” “I will, and maybe there will be some cute guy there you can move on with also. I’ll let you know.” You found yourself laughing at that thought, “Finding a new guy at my ex’s wedding. That sounds interesting.”

Liam: “I told him I was glad he found someone he loved that much.” “I know.” “I told him congratulations.” “I know.” “I told him I was okay.” You best friend sighed, “I know [Y/N]. You said all those things you do not mean at all, because you didn’t want to hurt him.” You nodded sadly, and sighed to yourself, “I mean he’s happy with her, and I can’t ruin that by letting him know how badly I want him back. Why did he feel the need to tell me?” “Maybe he wanted to hear you say you weren’t happy?” You rolled your eyes at that, “Oh sure. He proposed to her, so clearly he does love her. He didn’t need to tell me though. It hurts enough to hear it at all, let alone from him.” “I know,” you friend repeated yet again, as she hugged you, “I’m sorry Liam’s happy with someone else.”

Niall: “They always look so perfect,” you heard a friend say, as a celebrity news show played on the TV of the restaurant you were in, and Niall and his fiancee were shown. Your face fell. “Oh..” your friend turned back to look at you, “I’m sorry [Y/N]. I forget…” “Sure,” you faked a smile, and looked down at your food. She was not a close friend, and you’d only just met her a few months ago, so she was not around when you and Niall were together. She knew though. Everyone knew how you felt. “So you’re not okay with this, are you?” “Him getting married to her?” You asked, glancing at your best friend sitting next to you, who you’d cried to so many times over this, “No I’m totally okay with it.” “Oh that’s good. I heard it’s this weekend, so I guess it’s good you’re okay with it now.” Your heart shattered, “This-this weekend?”

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