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"What just happened?" ..

Shan arrived home , "I'm home " she said throwing her bag and taking her shoes off , "It was ok mom , did you make dinner ?" She said with a very sad tone , " sweetie are you ok ? Did something happened ?" My mom asked concerned. "yes mom , Im ok .. it's just .." my mom turned around "Just what ?" She asked with a very serious tone , "My phone got broken " I said nervously..

"SHAN CAI ! " my mom yelled " I just bought you that phone last week before school started and you already broke it ! I used all my savings money to buy you the newest phone ! " my mom she was very angry I know she always worked hard to get me everything I asked for . "I'm sorry it was an accident, I will work extra hours at " Creative Tea shop " with that she took a deep breath and served me dinner .

Few hours later ...

I took a look at my phone .. the screen was very badly broken.. I put it inside my night stand and started to do my homework.

"Shan Cai ! Can you do me a favor !" I heard my mom from the kitchen " , "Yes mom !" I stood up and went to the kitchen and see what she needed .

"A customer called and made a order of 3 sweet and sour chicken with rice can you deliver them for me please " my mom asked .  " yes mom , I will need the address " my mom grabbed a small note and wrote down the address, I took the meals in a paper bag and went to my room to grab my coat and my shoes , Ran outside and place the paper bag in my basket and head to the address she gave me . After few minute I arrived to this empty building .. I made sure it was the right one .. It's the same building number .. I grabbed the paper bag and went inside there was a open door and I walked in and saw a Tall man playing pool alone "Excuse me , did you order delivery ?" I asked and the tall man turned around ...

It was ...

Dao Ming Si! .. I gasped .. " oh so you do delivery to your mom business?" He asked .

"Yes I do , here is your food have a nice day " I try to leave soon as possible but he grabbed my wrist . " You can't leave yet , until I check the food " he let go of my hand and opened the lunch boxes "eww this is what your mom makes ! This is what Poor people make !" He said laughing.. "Well if you don't like it then don't eat it ! " I tried to grab the food box but he took step back " No I pay money for this disgusting food ! "  I was very angry and furious how he can say such thing about my mother food !

"Yah ! If you don't like how my mom cooks then give it to me ! People like you won't never understand what's homemade meals ! Because all you eat is fancy tasteless meals ! Everyone is my neighborhood loves how my mom prepare her meals ! And they are delicious don't ever talk about my mother food like that ever again you stupid jerk ! " I yelled at him .. he looked at me very angry ..

He grabbed the lunch box and throw it at my face .. all the food was all over my clothes , he looked at me surprised and said "You got what you deserve" with that few tears escaped my eyes , I ran away from that building and got on my bike , Went to a public restroom to clean my self up .

The scene keep repeating on my mind ..

"Hey beautiful, what you doing so lonely here ?" Some drunk guys came closer to me "Stay away !" I said to them but they kept getting closer "come on don't be shy "
I tried to escape but they grabbed me , the smell of alcohol hits me .

"hey let her go now !" Another guy showed up "let her go or else " with that both of the drunk guy left running , when I looked up it was Lei .. one of Dao Ming Si friends ..

"Thanks ..  " I said very sad . "What happened to your clothes ?" .. I looked at him and few tears escaped from my eyes.. he got closer and hugged me .

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too " he said with a soft voice .

"it was Dao Ming Si " I said .. with a broken heart.. he looked at me with worried eyes ..

"Did Dao Ming Si did this to you ?! He said with a very serious tone , I nod my head and he hold me closer , "Let's go to my house so you can get cleaned up ok " I nod and he helped me to stood up and took me to his house .

Few minutes later ..

I was front of this beautiful huge mansion with huge white doors , he took my hand with careful took me inside his house and soon we stepped in 2 maids ran to us.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Lei , how we can help you ? " 2 women around theirs 30's asked and Lei looked at one of them, " will you please make dinner for me and my friend Shan " the maid bowed to lei and went to the kitchen quickly , "Can you please take her to my mom's personal care " I looked at home in confusion " Yes Sir " The maid bowed and took my hand and took me to the second floor and there was a lot of halls and rooms and we finally reached to a room that was full of people and beauty white Vanities , "Mr. Lei want us to help his friend Shan , she was in trouble and Lei saved her " the maid said and they looked at me with a warmth smile , "Come let's clean you off " one of the young lady grabbed my hand and took me inside a big room there was a beautiful white tub , the tiles where hardwood floors with orchids everywhere around the room "Here , Take this robe and the tub is ready for you ma'am " she handed me a bath robe with white slippers , I took off my clothes and slowly step in the tub I felt the warm water touching my skin , It felt calming .. I completely laid down in the tub and start to wash my self .. I notice there was petals roses floating around the tub , I looked to my side there was a small rack with many types of body wash , one caught my attention "Lavender Vanilla " it smell good ! So I decided to shower my self with the body wash .

Few minutes later ..

I put on the bathroom robe and grabbed a towel and dried my hair , put on my slipper and slowly opened the door ...

"Ahh " I gasped !


That's all for this chapter !

I know very short ! I promise to make it longer next time !

Thanks for reading ❤️

Sorry for any mistakes !

- author 💐

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