Chapter 25

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Ch. 25

The next morning I laid in my bed, reminiscing over the previous evening's activities. I couldn't help but alternate between a giggle and a blush when I thought about how sweet and gentle Jake had been. It was everything a first time should be, and the butterflies in my stomach were working overtime as I mulled over every last detail.

When I trudged down the stairs for breakfast, I wondered if my parents would be able to tell that my whole life had changed; that I was no longer the little girl they undoubtedly perceived me to be.

But they carried on as if nothing had happened--much to my relief.

"Are you going to the festival today?" my dad asked over his morning cup of coffee.

"I am. Ruby's coming to pick me up soon."

"Does she have many royal responsibilities today?" Mom questioned with a laugh in her voice.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. Ruby's imperial position had brought about several new jokes in my house. My parents loved her dearly, but couldn't resist getting in a good rib every now and then.

"She has some free time until this afternoon," I explained. "We don't want to miss out on our annual pig-out session at the shortcake stand." Ruby and I had always made it a point to devour as many pieces of strawberry shortcake as we could before nausea kicked in, forcing us to swear off pastries forever. Or at least for a few hours.

"Will you be seeing Jake later?" my mom asked, a tiny smile playing upon her lips.

The familiar feeling of warmth spread across my face as I forced myself not to throw up. Did she somehow know after all? "I'm going to meet up with him later."

"You two sure have been seeing a lot of each other lately," my dad observed, opening the morning paper. I suspected his intent was to sound casual, but thick curiosity laced his voice.

I shrugged. "I suppose."

They knew. They definitely knew. That wasn't possible, was it? I wanted to die.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked, holding out my wrist to look at a watch that was not there. "I better hop in the shower--Ruby will be here soon!" And I raced off, relieved to be away from their parental scrutiny.

"You didn't even eat!" I heard my mom call after me.

"I'm not really hungry," I answered back. Shutting the bathroom door behind me. I ignored the pains of starvation as I turned on the shower and attempted to drown out my anxiety.

I heard Ruby honk about an hour later and ran down the stairs, hoping to avoid my parents. Thankfully, they were no where in sight.

"I'm leaving," I called over my shoulder and quickly closed the door behind me.

This would be the true test. If anyone would notice that something had changed with me it would be Ruby.

"Hey girl!" she chirped, as I slid into her convertible. "You ready to binge on strawberry shortcake?"

"You know it." I smiled back and buckled my seat belt. Ruby acted completely natural, as if she had no idea that my world had been knocked off it's axis in the best possible way.

"So how did the rest of yesterday go?" I asked. "I take it you made it through your many obligations okay?"

"Ugh! Barely. I was up to my knees is pig poop and chicken feed!" she exclaimed dramatically. "I swear, I have taken two showers since then and I can still smell the animal stench on me!"

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