0.5| when in doubt, party it out

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Matty Irwin was a good person.

Definitely a better person than I was, and probably a better person than anyone in the entire population of our town.

"God, Matty. Why haven't you gone to the police?" We were sat in my apartment, curled up on opposite sides of my sofa, drinking hot chocolate with Jet perched between us.

Matty had tried to insist he'd be fine but I wouldn't hear it, and basically had to drag him into my apartment.

He shrugged, dark eyes staring down into his mug. He was beautiful, and the entire student body knew it too. But I had a secret that nobody else knew. His secret.

"The police won't do anything about it. My dad has connections. He beat his last wife, not my mom, and he got away with it. Got no time at all, even though she had evidence against him." His voice was low, but he didn't seem sad, just... defeated.

For the first time in a very long time, I felt my heart ache a little bit. I knew all too well what it was like to be in Matty's situation.

"You can sleep here tonight, if you'd like," I said, suddenly becoming very interested in my own mug, studying the little chip on the rim I had never seen before.

I felt his gaze on me, and tried to ignore the dripping tingles that ran down my back. He's too good, Harper. Too good for you.

Matty was silent for over a minute and I couldn't help but kick myself internally. This was why I didn't open up to people.

"I would love that."

Startled, I glanced up and met his unwavering gaze. I expected to see the usual glint of lust and desire I found when I met the gaze of a man, but I only found warmth.

For the first time in a long time, I felt my walls crack. "Me too."


I was going to lose the bet.

So far, I hadn't even managed to make eye contact with the new guy, let alone get a date with him.

Schoolwork was piling up, Shane still wouldn't even look at me, and Nathaniel had been M.I.A for the whole day. To make things worse, I'd overheard to Freshman in the girls' bathroom talking about how we were alldoing an awful job at making progress with the bet – it was not going to be good if we all failed.

I scanned the cafeteria for a place to sit, my usual seat beside Matty taken up by some of his jock buddies. I spotted Azra sitting alone towards the back, and made the split decision to approach her.

As I got closer, I realised I'd made a big mistake as I saw her expression change from bored to looking as if she wanted to be anywhere but in the cafeteria.

I couldn't turn back now though, and instead came to a stop across the table from her. I hesitated for a second as she stared up at me. "Uh," was all I could get out, and I wanted to shove myself into a locker and never come out.

Azra had been my best girl-friend for two years, up until last year when–

"You can sit here." Azra pulled me from my memories, breaking our awkward silence.

I took a seat, setting my tray in front of me and rifling through my thoughts for something to say. "How's the bet going for you?" I asked, ripping off a corner of my pepperoni pizza.

Azra grimaced, staring down at her food and avoiding eye contact with me. "I haven't really spoken to him since Monday. We got ice cream and then..." She trailed off, staring past me. Suddenly, Harper and Rynn were taking a seat either side of me, looking like they meant business.

"And then you kissed," Rynn finished, a bitterness to her words. Even I felt a little frozen from the icy glare she was giving Azra.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said. "You kissed? After not even a day?" Damn, girl had more game than I thought.

Azra's pale hands shot to her face as she tried to hide in the middle of the cafeteria. "I don't know what came over me," she exclaimed, voice muffled. "I never do anything like that." She dropped her hands into the table, brows knitted together, cheeks flaming red.

"Who knew Az, you're a little slutty," Harper said, her tone light and teasing. Azra groaned in response, sitting back in her chair.

Azra was holding something back, I could tell. Whenever she was hiding something, she'd always play with the hem of her shirt, just like she was doing now, and avoid directly looking at anyone.

I studied her for a moment, before saying, "What happened afterwards?" She glanced up at me, before shooting looks at Rynn and Harper beside me.

She sighed, sitting up and leaning forward on her elbows. "I thanked him and haven't spoken to him since, despite my parent's incessant questions about my 'mystery man'." She made air quotes with her fingers, and if I didn't know any better, would almost think it was safe to say she was disappointed.

Our table was silent as we all mulled over what had been said. None of us were doing any good at all. Was it possible that Nate didn't want to be a part of the bet? Who was I kidding, if I were him I would have changed schools by now.

"We're fucked," Rynn stated, for once not absorbed in her cell phone. I couldn't help but agree with her.

There was only one thing that would be worse than refusing a bet made by Harper Kahn; everyone losing.

Harper scoffed, and rolled her eyes. "Oh please, if there's one thing I know how to do, it's make a guy want to date me. And if there's one perfect setting, it's a bad, alcohol-fuelled party." She smirked, her pale lips stretching into a smile as we all watched a plan unfold in her mind. "Rynn."

I felt Rynn sit up straight behind me. "Yes?" She basically squeaked out.

"Your parents have left for the weekend, have they not?" I felt more than heard Rynn push out her breath between her teeth, and I could picture her pout of annoyance on her face.

"Yes. They are. Why?"

"Excellent. Party, your place, tonight, nine thirty. I'll get people to bring the alcohol." Rynn tried to protest, but Harper held up a hand. "This could be our only chance. And unless you want to be on your knees for Freddy Walker, I'd suggest you get your little minions to spread the word."

I glanced at Rynn now, expecting to see fury in her hazel eyes, but I only saw fear. I locked eyes with Azra, who looked as awkward as I felt.

"Well, I know I definitely don't want to be on my knees for Freddy Walker. I'll see you all there tonight." Azra forced a smile and slid from her chair, making a fast exit as the bell went.

Harper's gaze finally came to rest on me. "I'll be glad to see you there."

For some reason, I had a very, very bad feeling about this party.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

question of the chapter: what are your predictions for the party?

let me know below!

thanks for reading 💗

much love

— junie

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