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      Word of our bet managed to spread faster than chlamydia at our school.

We even had other girls coming up to us asking to join in, because someone had made it clear that the new guy was off-limits from anyone not involved.

They had to be crazy, everyone knew Harper never lost a bet she made. Either crazy or desperate, it didn't matter. Harper was all for the competition, and the chance to humiliate other people. She was a cruel, cruel creature.

"What the fuck is this shit about a bet?" My locker was slammed shut in front of my face by a very big, very red, very angry-looking fist, sending my heart jumping into my throat.

I turned my gaze to a furious Shane, who was, mind you, a good head taller than me and on the football team. He was a little frightening. "It happened in detention," I mumbled feebly, shrinking in on myself.

People glanced at us in the hall, some even pausing to watch us on their way to whatever class they had next.

"What the fuck Carter? Are you stupid?" he all but spat at me. His chest rose and fell hard as he breathed, his cheeks flushed red. He slammed his fist on my locker again, making me jump.

I swallowed hard and shrugged, glancing around us at the swarm of people watching. "I didn't have much of a choice." He barked out a laugh that held no amusement, jolting me, dry and rough and so unlike the kind boy I had grown up with.

We were gathering a crowd now, and I noticed the other three girls stood together watching us.

"I expected better from you than getting involved in some stupid race to lose your virginity." Shane paused to run a hand through his short dark hair, a hand that appeared to be shaking, but I couldn't be sure.

I reached out for him, but he pulled away sharply, lip curling up in disgust. "You're just a slut." His words hit me like a physical blow to my chest, knocking the wind from my lungs and sending my head into a swimming mess of dizziness.

Shane spun on his heel, ignoring the snickers from the crowd around us, and promptly walked away with his jock buddies laughing and slapping him on the back.

I bit my bottom lip to keep it from shaking, blinking my eyes as fast as I could to stop the stinging. My cheeks flared red-hot, and I ducked my head to keep anyone from seeing, turning back to my closed locker.

A hand grasped my shoulder. "Are you okay?" It was Azra.

I took a deep, shaking breath and turned to her, a smile plastered on my face. "Yeah I'm fine Az. If people didn't know about the bet they definitely do now, right?" A nervous laugh pushed its way out of my throat, and a silence hung in the air afterwards. My gaze flitted around the room, landing anywhere but on her scrutinizing eyes.

"Well, we should probably get to class. I'll see you later." Azra smiled and then became just another body in the crowd.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th • 10:30am

      "Oh. My. God. Don't look now but the new guy is like, totally hot," Janie gushed from beside me.

Rolling my eyes, I flicked my hair back off my shoulders. "You act like you've never seen anyone from the opposite sex before." I pulled out my favourite lip gloss, a light pink shimmer that had plumping agencies, and pushed open my little compact mirror, swiping the gloss across my lips and admiring myself in the reflection. So totally irresistible.

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