0.1|the bet

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd • 2:59pm

"DETENTION, MISS SHAY, AFTER SCHOOL TODAY." I turned to my math teacher Mrs Lestrade, a woman who was usually kind to me, a frown forming on my face. "I've had to tell you to stop talking to Shane too many times this period." She scowled at me slightly before turning back to the board and proceeding with the lesson, though it was nearly over.

I groaned quietly and turned slightly to my jerk of a best friend. "Thanks a lot, dude." He shrugged at me apologetically, his blue eyes still mischievous.

Never in my seventeen years of life, had I ever been given detention. This was it, my life was over, no self-respecting college would ever accept a student with a black mark against her record. It was true, I would have to succumb to the fact I was destined to end up a crack addicted prostitute that lived next to Redwood's resident homeless guy, Blanket Man.

"Sorry Carter. We can still hang after detention if you want?" I shook my head as the bell went, scooping my stuff up into my bag.

I never got detention, my record was basically perfect. Oh well, what's one mark against your name? It's not that bad.

"No, you'll get me put in prison next." I pushed past him, smoothly avoiding his grasp as I went. So maybe I was being a little cruel, but I didn't find it fair that I was the only one that got detention.

"Carter!" he called after me. "I'll text you later, okay?" I gave him the middle finger in response, cursing the day five years ago he'd given me a grape juice box, forming our unbreakable friendship.

I trudged down the hall, pushing through the sea of students' eager to escape out into Friday afternoon — an afternoon I wouldn't get to see.

I pushed open the door to detention, a room that appeared to be of no use aside from holding delinquents like me.

It was sparse, only a handful of desks around the room, no pictures and no windows. A jailcell. Three other girls were scattered and positioned as far from one another as possible in the room. I knew them all, of course, they were in my year and once upon a time I had been best friends with one of them.

"Carter?" Azra looked startled as I came into the room, and I noticed both Harper and Rynn glancing at me curiously. "Why are you in here?"

I shrugged and slouched into a seat in the middle of them all. "I got in trouble for talking to Shane." Harper snorted, a curtain of silver covering her face from view.

I turned to her as she moved to face the group, an eyebrow arched.

"We know Shane, there's no way it was your fault," Harper remarked. I rolled my eyes, but a smile grudgingly found its way onto my face.

He did have a habit of talking too much and getting other people into trouble for it. It was like a game to him, a game I had found amusing to watch, until it was me that was losing.

"Yeah, she has a point. Nearly every class someone gets into shit because of him." Rynn pouted, the deep red of her lipstick making her hair appear even more coppery, and her skin paler. She liked to make an impact.

They were right, but Shane was my best friend. We'd found each other the first day of third grade after being paired up for an art project. He and I had connected after someone stole my juice and Shane had given me his, something I would soon learn from his mom never happened. Now we were in our last year of high school, and getting ready to go to college together. I knew him better than anyone, and him me.

He would still give me his juice box in an instant, I was sure of it.

I shrugged again, tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "That's just Shane, he can't shut up."

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