Water Run

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting video on loop.


Cool, comforting hands seemed to wash over her while her eyesight was somewhat compromised by the shimmery waters. They almost made her forget about her present plan; they nearly lulled her to sleep in their soft embrace. Tarhuinn was still as well, most likely undergoing a similar experience. Everything above the water almost faded away into a distant memory, but she could just barely spot Will's calves and feet. Those kept her mind from disappearing into dreamland.

He started to move, however, out of the enchanting waters. She darted her (e/c) eyes over to her husband, and he was already on the move but slower than usual. (F/n) could only move so fast herself. The invisible hands kept aching for her to come back. It was like someone forcing her out of an amazing dream; she didn't wish to leave, but she had to. Will, under no circumstances, would be allowed to escape.

Pushing the waters aside, she kept her mouth shut tight. She would drink some of the water when they returned home. If the effects of the waters were this strong outwardly, she didn't wish to discover their influence inwardly right now. Tarhuinn was a little ways ahead of her, but she knew that he wouldn't kill Will. He had made her a promise, and he would keep it.

Grabbing a hold of Will's left ankle, Tarhuinn tugged him under before he could exit the glimmering section. Her husband went to bite the mage's left shoulder, but Will managed to force him back. The water threw Tarhuinn back and forced her somewhat towards the tree. His green eyes looked her way. As quickly as she could, she swam in another direction. The water, however, shoved her towards him.

It didn't help that she needed to get some air. When she went to breach the surface, the water pushed her down. Was he going to force her to pass out? Cursing mentally, she wished that her body wasn't acting so relaxed about this situation. Will being a mage, it was probably easier to break out of the tree's effects. They needed to get him closer to the plant again.

That could only happen if she remained conscious. With her out, all of his attention would direct itself to her husband. No element of surprise would be permitted that way, which begged the question of where Tarhuinn had gone. Even with her poor perspective, she had been able to see him before. Now, she couldn't even spot an outline.

When the water's hold on her broke, she burst up for air. She caught sight of Will being pulled under again. Regaining herself, she noticed that both Will and Tarhuinn were zipping through the water. They both left the shimmery parts of it and went flying quite some distance away. Tarhuinn slammed against a rock to her left, but he started to recover almost immediately after the impact. Will, on the other hand, stood to his feet to the right of her. Water formed around his feet in the shape of shoes while he tested some of his wind magic in his hands.

A satisfied grin overtook his lips. "Now, things will be how they should be." Wind shot from his hands, and water rose into large, charging waves. Tarhuinn dived into the water and disappeared while she did the same. Unluckily, the waves were much stronger on her side.

Tarhuinn hadn't been able to reach her in time. Even under water, she was tossed back. She rolled through the water and slammed against the trunk of the tree. Her breath was lost, but she didn't feel much pain. Thankfully, her wrist didn't return to its previous damaged state, but it had almost collided with the tree.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat