Bring to Save

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"But, I..."

"I understand that you don't mind how you view me, but recall that nightmare that you had. I might look like that if things go sour for us. Will you be able to come to terms with that image of me being a reality?" he asked while his fingers glided away from her (h/c) locks.

Remembering how his teeth were stained with red, she gulped. He had a fair point. Her stomach was already turning at such a possibility occurring before her, and she would be lying if she said that she wasn't fearful of him in that light. She had to trust him, however. If she closed her eyes, she would be sending the message that she didn't trust him completely. Yes, she could easily picture him going against her when he was in that state, but she needed to push that image aside. It wasn't reality; it was merely fear trying to control her.

"I understand ..."

She cut him off. "No, I won't close my eyes. If that happens, you'll be protecting me. You won't be harming me. I won't stay in the back and cower in terror." Keeping her voice low so that the guards wouldn't hear, she added, "I'll help you fight against them. If one manages to sneak on you, I'll strike them down. If too many surround you, I'll draw some to me and finish them off. I'll be your taken daggers." Her hands wrapped around his. "I won't take no for answer."

Before he could utter a word, she leaned towards him and pressed her lips to his. The action caught him off guard, but he returned the gesture nevertheless. Their kiss remained short, but it was enough to allow the other's feelings to get across. Both were saying that they had the other's back.

With the kiss ending, they remained close to each other. (F/n)'s forehead rested against his chest while his arms were now encircled around her. She only wished that this intimate moment didn't have to be shared with the guards in the room. It would've been easier to ignore them had they not been shifting in the water occasionally. At least, she didn't have to look at them.

A feminine cough, though, drew her attention towards the larger pool. She drew her head back and peeked around Tarhuinn. The four council members had returned. Cetar seemed less than pleased while the other three wore expressions that weren't easy to read. Aqua swam closer to the edge of the pool. All of the guards kept near to her, and their spears remained pointing at Tarhuinn and her.

"We have come up with a proposal, and all three of us have agreed to it. You two are traveling towards the authors' home. In payment for letting you both continue to head there; you'll bring us back the five authors. They'll most likely try to kill you on sight given your mention of their past attempts on your lives. So, we won't ask you to bring them back alive, but we do want their bodies. They were made from those five merfolk, and we wish to give our ancestors a proper burial by stripping the authors of the pieces that they make them part merfolk."

"I have no issue with that," Tarhuinn answered swiftly. "I was planning on killing them regardless."

"That's if you can kill them," Cetar cut in. "They have at least one mage on their side, and they're no apprentice in magic. Guards have reported some of the terrifying things that this mage can perform, and those were merely things to entertain themselves on their travels. There's also the more simple issue; you two will be severely outnumbered. Spies are most likely around and in their home as well, and they'll be the ones that you'll encounter first. Making it through them won't be a mere swim in the pond."

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