chapter 6

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*A few weeks later*

Garys POV
Me and char are sat in a taxi returning to the house, shes deep in though staring out the car window.
My hand never stops stroking her thigh gently, how can someone be so beautiful? We had our first ultrasound today, our little alien has grown so big in such a short time. The midwife said that char is coming to the end of her first trimester, meaning that she will start getting even bigger and should no longer have morning sickness (which she's happy about).
Everyone has been so supportive of the pregnancy and our relationship, a weight has been lifted off our shoulders with the help of both our parents. "We're gonna have to leave the house aren't we ?" Char says quietly, already knowing what the answer is. " I'm sorry baby, but it's not safe there especially when everyone else is mortal every night" I reply softly to her as she sighs. "I'm gonna miss everyone, they're my family" she mumbles quietly into my shoulder. "They're still our family, Char, nothing's going to change between us." I whisper to her attempting to calm her down slightly. As the taxi pulls up to the house I can tell that Charlotte is still upset with the idea of leaving the family, I have to do something. I lead char into the house where everyone is sat on the sofas talking with a hot drink, they all look up and everything goes quiet. " how was it?" Holly asks, and the rest nod in agreement. " it was good, the midwife said that our little ones doing well and everything's okay" Charlotte smiles slightly as she tells them the good news, her smile falls a bit and it doesn't go unnoticed but the others. "So why are you still upset, shouldn't you be glad everything's good" Marnie asks carefully not wanting to make the situation worse. "We we're speaking on the way home and we've decided that it might be the best for Charlotte and the baby if we wasn't in the house" I tell them "it's for the safety of the baby, and with how wild it gets in here its not the right place to be while pregnant" I finish, the girls nodding in agreement while the boys looked shocked at what I was saying. " so your leaving" Arron asks in shock, I nod in respond trying to keep Char from crying. " we need too celebrate, the life of a new Geordie and yous becoming parents" Scott pipes in " obviously Charlotte can't drink so we should go for a meal and do something as a family" he adds, everyone agreeing with him.

Charlotte POV
A few hours latter with everyone dressed fancy enough for the restaurant that Holly and Scott had booked a table at, we all piled into the 2 taxis that had been booked. The girls order that I wear a tight fitting dress to show off my growing bump, at which they were cooing over currently. I feel bad that Im ignoring them but I just can't focus, my heads all over the place. My mind keeps going back to the dream I've been having of me and Gary playing with a little girl (who looks like Gary with my hair and eyes) and a baby boy (who looks like me with Gary's eyes and hair), I'm pulled out of my trance by 2 finger clicking in my face. " have you been listening to anything we've said" Sophie asks laughing slightly, I shake my head and try to apologise
" don't apologies Char, what's running through you head? What's up?" Holly asks sounding concerned, I can't lie to them their my best friends.
"I'm just worried that's all, I want to be a good mum to this little one but I don't know how I'm going to do that when me and Gary have never lasted together. I don't want it to have to choose between us" I sniffle trying to not cry. The girls engulfed me in a large hug and keep saying that I'll be brilliant.

As the taxi pulls up the the restaurant the conversation from earlier seems like a life time away, Gary helps me out of the taxi and pulls me into a big hug. I feel all of the anxiety I had earlier disappear and I smile onto the crook of his neck " thank you Gaz, for everything" to which he replies "no Char, thank you" he pulls away leaves a kiss on my forehead and we follow the others into the restaurant.

Authors note:
I'm sorry that I've not updated this in over a year, I've been really busy. To begin with it was due to exams as I was in year 11, and I had just got into a relationship so was spending time with him. I just sort of lost interest in the book for a while but with Gary just having his second child I found the inspiration to write a chapter, even if if it isn't the best. Thank you to everyone who's read this book, I appreciate it 😊 I'll try and find some more time to write some chapters, with Christmas in a few days that shouldn't be too much of a problem 👍🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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