Part 14: girlfriend

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The boy's mom grew sick with grief after his dad's death. She started drinking. She started drugs. She started leaving him by himself, alone in the house all night.

He didn't like his mom. And his mom still hated to hear about his girlfriends. She always found something bad to say.

He told himself this time she would get it. This time, she would see the girl for the angel she was.

That night, he told his mom about the girl. The mom stared at the boy, almost blankly. She sat up straighter.

She said You've got another one? Goddamn.

I think you'll like her the boy lied, and the mom took a drag of her cigarette.

That night, the boy called up his friends.  The corrupt ones.  An hour later, a car pulled up in his driveway and the boy hopped in.  He didn't come home until dawn.

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