Chapter 2

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I've been thinking and thinking about what to name my beautiful babe. Time and time again I've hit a blank wall, empty of ideas of any type. So I figured "Why not go back to that thing that started me loving music, that made me want this guitar so badly." That's what I did, went back in time, to about a year or two ago. Who would have thought that a simple song could grasp such a tight foothole of your life and change everything?

It all started like this;

I was biking down my street, it was a cool, bright, and sunny day. At the very least as sunny as it can get here in Liverpool. I was just biking down my street, savoring the mildly warm breeze as it rustled my hair. I heard a faint sound coming from someones house, I biked forward. Trying to get a better listen, I eventually stopped my bike. Closing my eyes I listened.

All I can really say is that it was beautiful, words can't convey or do justice to how it affeced me. I knew from that moment on that my life would be changed forever, all my previous dreams, were meaningless. All that mattered was that deep, silky voice singing that addicting tune.

The feeling of pure awe and love that I felt for this person, whom I'd never seen nor met, nontheless knew his name. Was undescribable, all I can say is that feeling, that passion that I was overwhelmed with, I wanted to make other's feel. I wanted to make other people's breath hitch, their heart pang in admiration. I wanted to change lives just like my own was changed, I wanted to do it the same way to. With music.

I had no idea who this fantastic, almost seductive voice belonged to. I had to find out, and that I soon did. Turns out that that brilliant man was the newly famed Elvis Aaron Presley. I became obsessed, and to this day still am. I understand how all those school girls feel.

I slowly drift out of my blissful haze of memories and suddently I get struck with a name, at long last.


I look at my guitar and softly utter the name from my lips, I sigh in satisfaction. It fits like a velvet glove, Aaron. The name belongs to a beautiful person, who just like my guitar is beautiful. It's my own personal little Elvis, to love and to hold. In sickness and in health, my first true love.

Aaron calls to me, I can never stay away for long...

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