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John Lennon was like a magnet, you either were attracted to him, or weren't attracted to him. You either liked his supposed witty, infuriating, yet undeniably lovable attitude, or you hated his guts and would be happy to drag a knife across his stomach and pull out his insides, only to strangle him with them.

But none of you knew the real John, the one that I know, you may have heard of him. Perhaps you have even gotten the chance to exchange a few words with him, you may think you know him, but you really don't. Hell, maybe you even write stories about him, and how he loves you oh so much. But John doesn't, after all, you cannot actually say you love somebody in the way if you don't know them. The way that just one touch sends you soul on fire, just one word and their wish is your command. Can you?

I just happen know John Winston Lennon, I know the man who is scared of showing his feelings, because they've only let him down time and time again. I knew the man who found comfort and solitude in music, and let it become his life. I know the side that no one else has gotten to know, I've gotten the rare gift of living with it.

I'm usually the one people would call "unlucky", never getting much attention, or the credit I should have gotten. I was the one who was only seen in the background, and honestly, no one really would have noticed if I disappeared. But one person would, that person being your intoxicating John Lennon.

Now, now, many suspect that John Lennon either had a thing for Paul McCartney or our manager, Brian Epstein. It makes me just about die laughter when I think of that, especially when people think John was a "player". John may have touched some girls in his time, and to be honest. I really don't mind, I know that our undeniable man was married also. I also know that he did sleep around, more than any married man should have.

But besides what all you people believe, John belongs to one person, one and only one person. That person is me, George Harrison.

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