- chapter 1-

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♡Britney (Bree for short)♡♡17 years old♡

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♡Britney (Bree for short)♡
♡17 years old♡

♡Jocelyn (Bree's mum)♡♡40 years old♡♡Nurse♡

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♡Jocelyn (Bree's mum)♡
♡40 years old♡

"Do we really have to goooo? i mean i cant just leave my friends just like that?!" I questioned my mum from affar, already knowing the answer, whilst proceeding to the car holding my belongings.

Sweetheart, we already discussed this, you know i cant stand in this house any longer since your father passed away...' she replied while a light tear rolled out of her glossy eyes.

Now, you may think that i dont understand my mum but god you're wrong. I equally as her miss my father so much and not does it only hurt mentally but phisically aswell to know that the person that you always loved is gone forever and is never coming back. But if i also think about it, the only memory that we all share with my dad was kept in this house, hence why i dont want to leave.

Although, maybe it is a good thing that we are moving? Maybe when we move, my mum can finally live again instead of being trapped in her room that was once shared with my beloved father mourning for his death. Remenicing all the happy and sad times we shared while drowning in her own tears. Maybe this will be our new start? I guess we have to wait and see.

I climbed inside the car, sitting beside my mother, as she started the car. 'You know, i think youre going to enjoy your new school' she said with a smirk. HA i already knew that would never happen. I mean first of all, it isnt going to be easy to find friends that could replace my real ones and plus who likes school anyway?

'And what makes you think that?' I asked with curiousness. All she did was laugh confidently as if she knew she was right. 'ah...Bree, Bree, Bree ..i just know it' and with that we drove in complete utterness with faint pop music playing in the backround.


Through out the journey, all i did was admire the beautiful view of nature on each side of us. The longer we drove, the more amazing the trees looked as the lime green leaves swished against eachother, caused by the soft breez. In fact, the road each time converted  narrower and narrower as the trees felt like they were becoming closer to the road.

As we finally passed the swarm of trees, a very nice neighbourhood came into view, filled with georgous houses and happy families playing with their pets. Families...

After admiring the people that reminded me of the family i used to have, my mums car finally had ended to a stop in front of a breathtaking house. I gasped. Was she for real? 'Is this?-'

'mhm' was a simple sound she could make when glancing at my overwhelmed expression.

...'common, you havent seen the inside yet'

I nodded with a grin and got out of the car as desperetly as i could, leaving my mum being surrounded by her laughter.. Welp, maybe this wont be a such a disaster after all? I thought to myself.

It took us about half an hour transferring our most important belongings inside the house. Which meant that we still had more work than expected.

Suddenly there was an unexcpected knock on our door. Who could it be? Looking at my mums confused face indicated that she neither expected company.


Hello people!😀
So just a little disclamer...im more of a reader than a writer so i apologise if the story can sometimes bore you because of my lack of imagination😅. Anyways so i hope you enjoyed this firrrrst chapter and i also hope that you guys will stay tuned for other upcoming chapters that will consist a lot of drama😆

Thanks for reading. Peace! ✌❤

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