Takatsu - Author of Espresso Love

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Though I am supposed to be a graphic and web designer, my author site is a makeshift Wordpress manifestation! Writing and its administrative processes just seem to take up all my available time, so this site is still "under construction". You'll find it http://takatsu.tk/ and you can get there easily by clicking on the 'External Link' icon on the right.

Its content has an informative portfolio side with links to what I do, but the blog tends to be mainly writing and personal updates or events, with many quotes and philosophical tendencies or social observations, though I plan to dabble in interviews with fellow authors, writing tips and more. 

One thing I've been struggling with, is the repetition of content as I am very active on social media accounts with updates or other snippets of thoughts, which I end up having to compile for a blog post for my different audience reach every now and then. This makes updates inconsistent and sometimes I lack the motivation!

My goal and passion has always been to give to the community and the world, inspire and speak to hearts and souls. I think it can be better improved towards that vision in the future, and have lots planned. 

So feel free to take a look, subscribe for updates and let me know what you think!

Thank you!

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