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It was too early to function, yet, the banging at the door commenced unceasingly. Eventually I knew I couldn't ignore it, so I dragged myself out of bed and groggily went to the door. I ran my hand sleepily over my face and through my hair before pulling open the door.

"LUKE!!" voices and shouts filled my apartment. The boys piled on me in a hug, and I managed to blink my eyes clear.

"Holy hell," I laughed as they all released me. "You guys aren't supposed to be here until Tuesday!"

"Yeah, well, we got tired of Sydney," Calum went to go inspect my apartment.

"We got here late last night and got settled," Ashton explained, wearing an orange bandana.

I smiled and shut the door, looking over the three of them. "I can't believe you're all here!"

"Yeah the novelty's worn off," Michael was in the kitchen. "Do you have any pizza?"

"No," I said as Calum proceeded to jump on the couch. Michael, disappointed by my lack of food, began jumping too.

"So where are you hiding this girl?" Calum asked as he bounced.

"I bet she's in his room right now," Michael said, trying to push Calum over.

"No, she isn't," I groaned. I knew they would start asking about Raine eventually, but not this soon.

"What's her name?" Ashton punched me lightly in the shoulder. Before I could answer, there was a knock on the door. Unfortunately, Michael got to the door before I could and swung it open. There stood Raine, two coffees in hand, her hair in a lazy ponytail. She was wearing one of my Nirvana shirts over a pair of jeans, and those signature vans. She smiled slightly when she saw Michael.

"You must be Michael," she laughed easily, her ponytail swinging as she pointed at him.

Michael grinned back at me. "That's me! And you must be Luke's mystery girl!" Michael hurried her inside and closed the door. Raine spotted me and hopped over to my side, handing me a coffee.

"I didn't know they were coming today, I would've dressed better," she looked down at my shirt, which was too big on her. I'm glad she stole it from my drawer.

"I didn't think they were coming today either, but it doesn't matter, you look great."

She rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee. "You're a little biased."

Michael had gotten Calum off the couch, and him and Ashton were smiling wildly, looking between Raine and I.

"Luke talks about you all the time," Ashton grinned.

"Yeah," Calum nodded. "He won't talk about anything else on the phone."

"But he won't tell us your name," Michael added.

Raine bit her lip and looked up at me with raised eyebrows. "My name's Raine," she said to them.

"Wonderful," Ashton clapped his hands together. "You're spending the day with us, Raine."

"Actually," I protested, really not wanting the boys to somehow run Raine off. "Raine might have rehearsal today-"

"Nope, I'm free," Raine interrupted. "Just let me change, okay?"

"Nonsense, you look beautiful," Calum waved off Raine's request.

"You two are going to show us around," Michael said, opening the door again. Raine and I slipped out first. Raine grabbed hold of my hand as we started down the stairs.

"I apologize in advance for them," I say to her, hearing the boys clambering behind us. Raine tosses her empty coffee cup at the bottom of the stairs and I do the same.

"Nonsense, I think this will be fun," she took both my hands and raised up on her toes to come close.

"I'm serious, they are absolutely insane," I whisper to her, wishing we could just hole up in my apartment and watch old TV and be together. Raine smiles, looking up in my eyes.

"You'll just owe me a favor then," she replied before pecking me lightly on the lips and hopping after Calum and Ashton out the door. I stood there for a moment, and Michael slapped me on the back as he passed.

"Dude, you are so fucking whipped."

- - -

omg this is so short and boring im sorry

im so loving this now that the other boys are here like yessss now the real shit can commence

so like i said last chapter, i made an 8tracks playlist for this and i really like it so if you wanna listen its so yeah just copy and past that or if you have an 8tracks profile THEN YOURE COOL I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO YOU

k thats it im sorry this is boring i luh ya xo

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