It's Bigger on The Inside

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"Whoa.... It's-"

"Bigger on the inside? Yeah, I love it when they say that..."

All of these gadgets and gizmos where definitely not authorized by the government.I mean, they didn't even look like human technology!

I walked up to him, looking at him closely.

"Who are you? Really?"

He loosened his shoulders and slouched back.

"I am The Doctor, I travel through space in time with the TARDIS. I am from a planet called Gallifrey. I battle monsters and aliens from other dimensions and galaxies. Is that all you need to know?"

I nodded slowly. Wow, the dude wasn't human... Well from everything happening, that's not so surprising, I guess.

"So, Time Travel, we can go anywhere, at anytime, in any place?"

He smirked. Like a devilish smirk, like he had something planned.

He pulled a few levers, pressed some buttons and then the TARDIS jerked and I had to grab into a railing.

"Whoa... What happened?"

He got up and pulled out this metal thing with a green light that made a buzzing sound.

"We traveled in time. Don't know why though..."

"Well, when you pressed all those buttons and stuff, weren't you planning on traveling?"

He looked at the doors.

"Yes and no, I was putting up a protection field, so it was safe to travel..."

"So, where are we?"

He cocked his head, and started to open the doors. I ran after him.


"Well, it seems we are in-"

Just then, he was knocked over by a... a... rhino-man...

"Doctor! Doctor! Please get up!"

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