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I tug down the sun visor of my Volkswagen, combing through the tangles in my hair with my fingers before wiping away the gunk in the corners of my eyes. I rarely wear makeup since I know nothing about how to properly apply it, so as I see my tired reflection staring back at me, I mentally kick myself.

I push the car door open, climbing out before reaching in to collect my book bag from the passenger seat. Throwing it over my shoulder, I lock up and make my way to the front doors of Lincoln High School. It's my junior year, and though it only started a couple months ago I find myself growing more excited about graduation next year. As much as I love school, I'm ready to be out and on to better things.

Stepping into the front office, I give the secretary, Mrs. Jeanie, a bright smile. She's always been one of my favorite staff members, her kind spirit making even my worst mornings a little better.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jeanie. My teacher mentioned yesterday that I'd be showing around a few new students?" I inquire softly as I adjust my bag, keeping a small smile on my face as she looks through a few papers on her desk.

"Ah, yes. We have a foster family that just moved to town. The Cullens, I believe. There are four signed up, and three are in your grade," she informs me, handing over a slip of paper with their class schedules listed.

Giving it a quick look over I smile while waving goodbye before heading back out into the crowded hallway, "Thank you. I'll go find ."

Looking up and down the hall, I chew at the inside of my cheek while in place. I hadn't been given anything to go on, so I'm hoping they'll stick out when they arrive.

What if they don't show? Would waiting outside be better? The thoughts keep playing on repeat until I finally force my legs to move in the direction of the entrance.

I lean against the railing, watching as the parking lot quickly fills up. I make sure I'm always early because fighting the traffic just to find a spot isn't my cup of tea. Shivering as a cold breeze blows through, I zip up my coat and shove my free hand into the pocket before closing my eyes temporarily. I can't help but wonder what they're like as I stand there waiting.

"Excuse me?"

A male voice pulls me from my thoughts, and when I open my eyes I see him standing just a foot away.

"Huh? I'm sorry, did you say something?" I ask, blinking quickly as I look at him. He has striking features, with dark topaz eyes and disheveled bronze hair. He's tall, a good foot above me.

"I was hoping you could tell me where the front office is?" He smiles, and I can feel my cheeks beginning to burn as I blush. Clearing my throat, I quickly compose myself and smile.

"You're one of the new students, right? I'm supposed to show you around this morning. I'm Lorelei, but you can call me Rory if you'd," I introduce myself politely, holding out my hand to shake his.

He stares at my hand for a moment, almost hesitantly before giving it a quick shake.

"Edward Cullen. nice to meet you. Let me just get my family and we'll start that tour." he says before walking away, stopping when he reaches a Volvo and Jeep parked side by side.

A girl climbs out from the passenger side of the Volvo, her features as striking as Edward's. Her posture is almost inhuman, and her vibrant chestnut waves cascade down her back, stopping just above her waist. I absentmindedly reach for my own hair, running my fingers through the frizzy ends self-consciously. My attention is pulled away from her when a boy hops out of the Jeep. I don't have much time to look him over though before Edward is blocking my view but I can tell from where I'm standing that he's much larger.

I straighten up when they head my way, waving awkwardly once they get to the steps. I begin to silently panic, forgetting everything I had planned to say. They stand in front of me, watching curiously as I begin to stutter. Great, I think to myself, they're going to think I'm some weirdo. Almost as soon as the thought enters my mind, Edward speaks up.

"Rory, this is Bella and Emmett," he says with a kind smile, and I quickly relax as a grin pulls at the corners of my lips.

"It's nice to meet you both. Isn't there one other sibling?" I ask, remembering that Mrs. Jeanie has said there were four signed up.

"She won't be joining us," Emmett states quickly, his deep voice startling me. Turning to look at him, I find it hard to breathe. He reminds me of a Roman god, with his marble-like skin and sharp features. Nodding my head, I clear my throat and adjust the strap of my bag.

"Alright. Let's get started then." I say with a bright smile.

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