vampire spell #3

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Make sure if you live with your parent('s) that you go as far away from there house and do this, or if you live in apartments then to be a little quieter.

If in your own house by yourself you should be good.

In between 11 pm and 3 am: say:

Moon goddess and the spiritual world ( prick your finger). Say: make me a vampire this is my will (then drink your blood from your finger). (Yell) so mote it be!

Side affects:

K9s hurt
Fingers will be sharp for woman, men dual.
Barley any blood in your system
Throat dry.

First day need to drink ( I'd prefer animal blood so you don't kill humans. Or you could do human). (Up to you).
Half vampire

Ending of week which you should be a full vampire If you drank enough blood which would be (two people a day or 6 animals a day).

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