Werewolf spell X

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What you need:
Out doors
A sunny day
That night a full or waning gibbous ( you choose whichever).
Water that is clear in a creek.
This spell

Chant: light bring upon me the heat of one for the night. (Go to the woods near a creek. Make sure it is a full or waning gibbous moon. Chant 3x's Luna make powerful make me one under the moon make me this beast forever I shall die by a silver bullet and I can shape shift into this by night but by morning I shall be human.

Side effects:
Teeth aching
Feeling hot
Growing hair all over
Anger issues

You can shift on your first night or the next night it is different on each person and this spell can be for rogues or packs. I URGE YOU TO BE CAREFUL WITH THIS SPELL, IT COULD BACKFIRE AND SOMEONE MiGHT COME LOOKING FOR YOU AND TRY TO KILL YOU CARRY A GUN EVERYWHERE.

What you can do:
run up to 150 mph
See a hundred times better
Hear fifty times better
And smell a hundred times better

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