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"No, don't worry about it. I'll just let fate take its course and see what happens." I shrug.

"Ugh, you're so cheesy." Avery said with an eye roll.

I believe certain people are meant to be, and that if you're able to find that person, consider yourself lucky and never let them go. Some people don't meet the person they're destined to be with, or they meet too soon or too late, and there is nothing they can do about it. I also believe in old fashioned love. Opening doors for you, buying random flowers, going out on spontaneous dates. I think this day in age that kind of love is very rare. Maybe that's why I've stayed single for so long and haven't given any guy a real chance. I can read people well, and if their vibe isn't matching mine, I don't want to waste my time.

We finally get to my car and thank goodness it's even still there. My parents would probably kill me if anything happened to my car. I've had it for nearly 2 years, as it was a sweet 16 present. We've never had a ton of money, but they always worked hard to make sure I had what I needed and wanted.

"I'll meet you and Jade at the park." I said while unlocking my door.

"I'm going to swing by McDonalds, so we can eat something. Want anything?"

"Just some chicken nuggets will be cool. Honey mustard. Thank you."

Avery and Jade are great friends. We've been at each other's hips since 7th grade. We formed a three-person group and called ourselves "The B Girls", because all our last names ended in B. Chelsea Brannon, Avery Bratcher, and Jade Butler. We backed each other up, even if one of us was wrong. We stood up for each other, never lied, never had secrets. And it's all still the same 5 years later. We all have our differences, like our views on guys and love, favorite restaurants, even our looks are so different. I have dirty blonde hair with greenish-brown eyes, Avery has very blonde hair with blue eyes, and Jade dyes her hair red and wears blue colored contacts to hide her deep brown eyes. However, despite all the little differences, we've never given up on our friendship.

I pull into the park, and see Avery and Jade sitting at our table. Its old wood that we've carved our initials into. I love this little park. Whenever I've had a big decision to make, I would just come here to think. It calms me.

"You are stupid." Jade said as I took my seat at our table.

"How am I stupid?"

"Because you won't let Avery get Gavin's number for you!" she exclaims. "A hot guy, and you don't even want his number."

"I never said he was hot." And unbeknownst to them, we was hot from what I remember and I did want his number. But only if he's the one giving it to me.

"Whatever. Fact of the matter is, is someone is showing interest in you other than Justin, and you're acting like you don't even care." Jade continues.

"Look, was hasn't 'showing interest' in me. He simply gave me a ride home because I was drunk. If he wanted me to have his number, don't you think he would have given it to me?" I questioned, getting a little annoyed with both of them. They always worry way too much about my love life. Just because they've both had sex and I haven't. But that's only because I'm waiting for the right guy. I don't just want to give the most vulnerable parts of myself away to just some guy. I want it to mean something.

"Okay, let's just talk about something else. Speaking of Justin, are we going to his party this weekend? It's supposed to be a lot smaller than last nights. So not even really a party, just a hangout type thing." Avery butts in.

"Sure, I don't care. But I will not be drinking this time, so please don't try to coerce me." I said with a semi-serious tone. I didn't care to drink, I just didn't want to get drunk.

As we continue talking and discussing Justin and his party, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and I see that my mom is calling me. I answer it, and she tells me that it's almost time for dinner and that I needed to head home. I say goodbye to Avery and Jade and proceed home. I pull into my drive way, and I can smell the charcoal grill burning in the backyard. I love it when my dad decides to grill out for dinner. He and my mom are great cooks, especially when they cook together. I go inside and toss my keys onto the table next to the door. I find my mom in the kitchen cutting up tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. Then I knew my dad was making his hamburgers; my favorite. My dad came inside with his tray of freshly made burgers as I helped my mom set the table. My dad leaned down to connect his lips with my mom's, then gently planted a kiss on her forehead. We all sat down and began eating and talking about life. My dad wanted to know if I had picked somewhere to go to college. I hadn't. My mom wanted to know if I had chosen what I wanted to do. I haven't. But I didn't want them to know that.

My parents have always had a perfect relationship. They met in high school and dated for a while, but they broke up and went their separate ways once they graduated and went to college. My dad went to school 3 states over to become an engineer, and my mom stayed at her home college to become an accountant. My dad came back to town for a visit and bumped into my mom at a local bar and began flirting with her. Then he realized it was my mom, and they decided to rekindle their old flame. Now they've been together for 20 years and married for 19 of those years. At 23 years old, and about 4 months after their wedding, my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They decided that I was the only child they would need and chose not to have anymore.

I helped clean up after dinner, took a shower, knocked out some homework, and went to bed. I had school in the morning, and 6am rolls around quickly, especially when you don't particularly want it to.


I was awoken by the horrible sound of my iPhone alarm going off. I forced myself to sit up in bed as I yawned and rubbed my face. I groggily trail over to my closet and pull out my light blue and black flannel and a white tank top. Then I went over to my dresser and dug out my faded skinny jeans with a hole in one knee. I throw my hair up into a pony tail and put on a smidge of mascara. And finally, I pair my outfit with my old, black vans that are probably ready to get an upgrade. I brush my teeth, grab my bag and my keys, and I was out the door in 30 minutes. Not bad, Chels. Not bad.

I reluctantly walk to my locker where I am greeted by Justin. He's had a thing for me since he moved here from Chicago, Illinois last year. I helped show him around school because I was in the Student Leadership Committee. He's not a bad guy, and he is attractive. Tall, black hair, with bright blue eyes. I'm just hesitant, you know? I mean, sure, my parents have had a fantastic relationship in and out of high school, but that doesn't mean I would. One thing that I will always be certain about, is that my parents were meant to be.

"Good morning, m'dear. How are you?" Justin said, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"I'm good actually, just a little tired."

"Well I know what will help with that, for sure." He says, as he pulls my favorite Starbucks drink from behind his back. Just a plain, basic iced coffee.

I groan in delight and take a drink. "You are a life saver. Thank you"

"Not a problem Madam." He said with a smile.

Behind Justin, I see Jade and Zach approaching. "Hey losers", Jade says as a greeting to Justin and me. She turns and looks at me, "So, listen. I am not feeling this school day. Why don't we all just skip? Me, Zach, Avery, you, and you too Justin. Lets just go a town over and I don't know, just do something fun! We have 4 weeks of high school left. Let's make some memories!" She exclaimed.

Justin shrugged in agreement, "I'm down. Chels?"


**A/N: Thank you to those who are reading my story! Just like the last chapter, head over to my Instagram, @JordanLaneXO, and vote on my Instagram story about whether Chelsea should skip the school day with her friends (who knows what will happen), or if she should stay at school and maybe see what happens after her school day is successfully completed!

Majority vote wins! Chapter 3 will be written once votes are in. Enjoy!**

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