Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 -- Finn

Flames lick the wall of rock along the dingy hallway, leaving behind charred traces of their touch. Flickers of gold and red intertwine, and they dance with a fervor that shows their hopefulness for freedom. It's an ache that restlessly prowls inside me, too. For months we were running. Hiding. Searching. Now that we're 'guests' in the Secondary fortress, I feel more trapped than ever.

Bogdan changes our course, steering us away from the medical unit.

"Aren't we checking on Kelly?" I ask, trepidation in my throat.

"He's stable, human. We have an urgent matter to tend to first."

An urgent matter?

The image of Bogdan and the handsome man on screen drops into my brain like a persistent fly on a pile of shit. Will that man be there? Does he have to do with this urgent matter? Between Kelly's waning health and the heavy choice of providing my blood for the war still lingering in the back of my mind, my emotional state is hanging on by a thread. I'm running on fumes as it is. I can't handle much more.

Quiet chatter seeps into the silence of the winding hallway. Bogdan's long strides come to an abrupt halt when we reach a wide, open doorway. It's an area I've never been to before, but I recognize it from the video screens in the war room.

Rows and rows of wooden tables cover an expansive floor. Secondaries are peppered throughout the dining hall, and plates of food and drink surround them. An old-fashioned chandelier hangs suspended overhead. Every candle is lit, creating a soft glow across the entire room.

I lean back into my heels and eye the view with silent admiration. There are so many parts of this fortress that both frighten and suffocate me. It's a world hidden in darkness. Yet this room is a rare place where beauty manages to bloom from the depths of the shadows.

Bogdan's gaze sweeps across the floor and settles on one of the more populated tables in the far corner.

"Let's go."

I follow a step behind him. The gentle conversation floating around the room becomes strained into silence. Normally I'd chalk it up to Bogdan's presence. He's gorgeous - enough said. But right now, as I move past the rows of tables occupied by Secondaries, the attention isn't on him. It's on me. Even with my focus trained on the uneven floor, I can actually feel their eyes on me.

One mutters 'the human' under his breath. It's whispered, and I can't tell which emotion is threaded into it. Awe? Or disgust? Do they view me as an unwanted visitor? Or as their new possible ally to the war? Heat rises into my cheeks. The sudden rush of blood makes my temples feel fuzzy, and my facial muscles ache with the effort of maintaining composure.

Bogdan stops at the end of the table. He doesn't bother cutting into the conversation. He doesn't have to. It's already silent.

"We need to have a word."

I lift my eyes, searching for the person who's involved in this 'urgent matter.' Leo's familiar face sticks out like a sore thumb. A jolt of energy surges through me and I move around the table, no longer concerned with being this evening's Secondary attraction. Leo turns around to greet me, allowing me into his arms.

The warmth of his touch surrounds me. It's comforting and reminiscent of home. I selfishly bask in the moment and close my eyes. I breathe in his scent. For a moment, I'm in the back of his classroom, sitting in the middle with Fiona and Kelly. Fiona and I both ogle our sexy professor and she elbows me. Without looking, I know Kelly is rolling his eyes.

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