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I layed in bed that night, I never get a break, I felt as though the world was against me,
I drifted of to sleep to my thoughts

I woke up to a gleaming sun, I hopled in the shower having a quick rinse and dried off.

I put on a leather crop top and slipped into my fishnets putting a pair of skinny jeans over them, I did heavy makeup and put my hair in a high pony, I slipped my feet into a pair of combat boots and placing my serpent jacket around my shoulders

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I put on a leather crop top and slipped into my fishnets putting a pair of skinny jeans over them, I did heavy makeup and put my hair in a high pony, I slipped my feet into a pair of combat boots and placing my serpent jacket around my shoulders.

I walk into the bar hearing a lot of commotion, everyone goes silent when I walk in, it wasn't abnormal, but normally someone spoke up and everyone went back to chatting,
"What's wrong?"
Toni came up to me with a smile,
"Ok?" I was really suspicious, "I need to do work in my office," I say
"NO!" She shouted
"Why not?"
"Cause you need a drink,"
"I really need to go-" I stopped in my tracks as a familiar face walked out,
"Hi," she said
"OMG Lils?" I say almost screaming I run up the stairs and engulf her in a hug, I felt tears running down my cheeks "I thought you were dead?" I cry
"I'm so sorry B," she sobbed into my neck
"Does that mean-" I was cut off when he walked out the door "Neo!" He came over to me, and joined the hug I pulled out of the hug and we walked to the bar
"I thought you guys-" I sobbed and the bar door opened, I saw Jughead, He turned to me,
"Babe, what's wrong?" He said walking over "Happy Birthday," He whispered hugging me.
"Oooh BABE!" Lilie squealed, I look over at them, Lils had a large smile while Neo had an emotion I couldn't work out.
"Juggie, this is Lilie and Neo, they are twins,"
"Hi I'm Jughead," He said shaking their hands.
"Oh Betts Happy Birthday," Lils said hugging me again "We got you presents," she said excitedly, you wouldn't believe she was 23 if you heard her squealing
"I don't want presents, you guys are alive," I say crying again "sorry, never have I cried so much," Jughead wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up, "Juggie," I squealed, Lils laughed but Neo glared, Jug put me on his shoulders and everyone started singing as Veronica, Reggie, Kevin and Cheryl came out, V holding a cake.

Jughead put me down "Neo," Cheryl said nodding
"Cher, got a boyfriend yet or are you still sulking over me,"
"Excuse me?" Toni said threateningly dragging Cheryl away by the waist over to the corner
"You guys can stop making out now!" I shouted causing them to laugh, I blew out the candles, and turned kissing Jug.
"I will take this Princess," FP said taking the cake away
"Thanks FP luv Ya!"
"Woah missy your boyfriend's right there," Lilie said laughing
"And that dude is his dad and also the closest thing to a dad for me,"
"Father in law," He shouted from the kitchen
"Not quite yet Dad," Jughead said smirking, his arms around my waist.

I found myself tearing up seeing my friends again "I need some air, Finding out your besties are alive is kinda a big deal," I laughed walking out the door, I took a cig out of my pocket and Jughead walked out with lils and Neo
"Smoking now?" Neo said laughing
"Shut up Nee,"
"What did you mean Betts?" Jughead asked
"Well when I was about 4 I met these 2 and we became best friends, they are a year older but we were in separable, and then when I was 13," I took a breathe "My mom got a phone call, and she told me that they were in an accident and that they didn't make it, I remember being heart broken, I cried for months, i felt lost without them, and that's when I met V, she helped me out of my depression,"

"I'm so sorry Betts, it's just our dad got into some trouble with a guy named Hiram, and, He threatened to kill us, we had to leave and the Sheriff helped us,"
"What!" I shouted "That bitch!" I ran back into the bar
"Your dad is the reason they left and you didn't tell me! Instead you pretended to be my friend," I shouted,
"Woah B, I had no idea!" She pleaded, Jug picked me up and put me down on a stool.
"I can't believe it, He treated me like a daughter when he was the reason I tried to kill myself," I cried
"Hey Baby, calm down ok? They are here now, I'm here now, ok?"
"Yea," I say calming down "Juggie....I love you," his worried expression changed into a massive smile
"Betts I love you too," He kissed me softly, but fill of passion. The bar cheered as we pulled away hugging,

I turned to Veronica "I'm sorry V, I just was really upset,"
"No problem B, don't worry I will talk to my dad,"
"Ok," the bar was filled with 2 high pitched squeals, I turned to see Kevin and Lilie squealing like kids,
"OMG THIS IS TOO CUTE!" Lilie squealed
While Kevin just squealed gibberish.

"Ok, anyway," I walked towards the stage,

"Serpents," they turned their attention to me, "Thank you for your birthday wishes, I almost forgot, 22 finally," I laughed "Guys I wanna say I love you and you are like my family, through everything you guys have stuck by me, when I joined you were all very suspicious and I don't blame you, perfect girl gone rogue, but you still stuck by me, especially when I lost the baby, I can't thank you guys enough-"
"Liar!" A voice rung through the bar as everyone turned to face the person who shouted that, Josie McCoy, "She got an abortion, I saw her in the clinic,"
"What?" I said, "I was getting a check up not an abortion,"
"She was getting an abortion cause it wasn't his baby," she said pointing to Jughead
"Ok, Josie who's was it, feel free to share,"
"Archies," she said
"True, she told me it was mine and that she couldn't keep it," Archie said, I felt tears spring to my eyes
"That is not true! I-" I couldn't do this "I need to go," I left the bar in tears, I sat on the side,

I heard voices "Jughead she didn't have time to be with anyone else," Veronica said
"Well she clearly did," his voice was breaking
"Jughead, she found out the day after you 2 had sex, and you were with her that night!"
"I-" I started sobbing which they must've heard
"Betty-" Veronica said to the others.

I stood up and walked to the corner running into her, "B, I know it isn't true,"
"Why would they, I don't know what happened,"
"Archie likes you, He would do anything to break you guys up," I nodded
"I need to tell everyone," I walked back into the bar, the rest following Lilie and Neo hugged me as I walked in, i hugged back before pulling away.

"Serpents," I shout causing their attention to turn to me however a few were still talking "Respect me and Pay Attention or hang your jacket at the door," I shouted causing everyone to look at me "It isnt true what they are saying, I only had time to be with Jughead,"
"Believe me WE KNOW!" Sweetpea said
"I don't want you guys to look at me differently, I love Jughead so much, i wouldn't do that," I started to break down "I can't lose everyone again, so please, believe me, I would do anything for that baby to have grown and you all saw how distraught I was and still am. I would give my life for it to have had a life even If I wasn't there to see it, so to say I had an ab-abortion is far from the truth," i say in between sobs "There is however something I haven't told you guys,"
"Betty, you don't have t-" Lilie said from the side of the stage,
"I want to, even If it was Archies kid, which it couldn't be seeming as we have never even kissed, I wouldn't have had an abortion, because I couldn't kill another one, " an array of gasps were let out
"When I was 12, i was walking home from school when this 16 or 17 year old boy jumped me," I felt tears rush down my cheeks as Lilie held my shoulders "He-He raped me, On the side of Sweetwater River, then he left me naked, and cold and broken. He got me pregnant, I had an abortion because i was to young to carry it, I was warned that I could die if I gave birth, so I had to have one," I hugged Lilie sobbing in her arms "He never got arrested, He told them I begged him, everyone looked at me differently they all thought I wanted it, I would never do that to a baby again, it broke my heart because I knew it made me a murderer, I remember telling Lilie and Neo, they got me through it and then they left, I couldn't do it again," I walked off the stage sobbing in Lilies arms, Jughead ran over engulfing me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry baby," he cried into my neck
"I love you,"
"I love you,"

Ahhh I need happy Betty

Don't worry, Betty is gonna be happy, and  this is kinda come back in the future

XOXO author

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