Fortune Cookie - Daiki Aomine

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"I wanted teriyaki burgers," Aomine sighed, grumbling.

"That's your own fault for losing, Aho-mine.  Therefore, you're treating me!  Even Momoi-chan agreed!" you had your hands planted firmly on your hips with a smug grin.  "And Chinese it is!"

His depressed face morphed into a comical scowl. "You cheated, and everyone knows that," he replied, pulling your cheek.

"Iteteteeee!!" you flailed, following after him.  "B-Be nice to my cheeeeek...!!"


 "Welcome, (f/n)-chan!" the ever-peppy girl at the cash register grinned, bowing a bit.  "And who's this?"

You giggled.  "This is Aho-mine-kun, Mei-san, and he owes me dinner today!"

"You haven't been here in a while, so it's great that you brought a friend," Mei-san smiled, nodding.  "Here, this table is ready."  She seated you two in a booth by the window.

You quickly ordered twice of your usual - since you weren't completely cold-hearted or anything and didn't make Aomine starve - and settled back into the comfy booth, happily smiling to yourself.

Daiki was busy texting whoever it was on his phone, leaving yourself to muse with yourself as you rested your chin on your hand, watching the boy across from you absorbed in texting.  Well, it wasn't like you were entirely comfortable with talking with your crush either.  After all, this was Momoi's idea, not yours.  No, you would have never even done this on your own.  You knew that the only reason Daiki treated you this way was because you were Momoi's friend, and you had met him in junior high, but you were trying to change that.

Aomine finally noticed you staring at him and looked up, a question etched on his face.  "What?"

"N-Nothing!" you quickly defended yourself, looking away with a heated face.  "I was...thinking that your face looked really stupid while you texted..." you cursed yourself at saying something so stupid.  "Who were you texting?"

"Nobody," he replied in a much calmer tone compared to yours.  "Now stop running your mouth and eat," Daiki frowned as the food came.

"Ah, thank you!" you smiled at the waitress before breaking your chopsticks.  "Thanks for the meal, Aomine!~"

His frown slightly dissipated as he watched you eat.  Then he began to laugh.

"Hn?" you looked up from your fried rice.

"Baa-ka, you're making a mess," he pointed at his mouth to mirror where the rice was on your face.

"Huh?" you tried to wipe it off, but you missed.

"Here," he suddenly leaned over, brushing it off gently with his thumb.  "Sheesh, you're like a child.  You've always been like this since junior high."

"A-Ah, ahaha, so mean, Aho-mine," you covered your blush with light laughter.  "Always picking on me."

"I don't always," Aomine had an annoyed look.  "Anyways, after this, since I bought you dinner, I'm not walking you home.  I want to go shoot hoops."

"I won't force you to," you lied with a pout, looking away.  You had been planning for him to take you home so at least you could confess to him from the safety of your house, then run inside.  But it looks like plans had to be changed because of that.

"What's with that idiotic look on your face?" Daiki suddenly flicked your forehead, causing you to drop your chopsticks.

"H-Hey!" you protested.  "Give me your chopsticks," you demanded.  "You made me drop mine."

"We could just ask for new one-"

"No, hand me yours," you repeated.

"Try me," Daiki suddenly had a competitive look in his eyes.  And before the two of you knew it, you guys were literally fighting over chopsticks.  Thank kami-sama there was no one else in that Chinese restaurant at that time of the day.

Finally, you had wrestled them free and triumphantly began to eat.  Aomine just had this annoyed look on his face and - to throw you off - he casually commented, "That could've been an indirect kiss right there, idiot."

You choked on your rice (not very graceful, to say the least) and glared at him, a slight red tinting your cheeks.  "You're the idiot," you argued.  That was so lame...!! you were mentally berating yourself as you ate quickly, avoiding eye contact.


"Uwaah~ That was good," you sighed happily, setting the chopsticks aside.  "Thanks, Aomine!  It was simply delicious!~"

"Because my saliva was on the chopsticks," Aomine gave a somewhat sadistic smirk.

"Ewwww!" you made a face.  "Not cool."  However, when the fortune cookies came, you grinned.  "I love reading these!  Oh, oh, here, let me explain!  At this restaurant, usually you challenge someone with these types of fortune cookies.  Each person takes one side and pulls it open.  Whoever gets the fortune on their side gets the fortune."

Daiki picked one up.  "That's a lame idea."

"No it's not!  C'mon, just do it!"

"Fine, but this time I won't lose," Daiki scowled.

The two of you broke open the first one, and Daiki got the fortune on his side.  "It says... 'Call the person across from you using their first name from now on.  This will bring good luck for your physical strength'," he read, making a face.  "Do I have to?"

"The fortune cookie said so."

"Fine, (f/n)," he said sarcastically.


This time, the fortune was on your side.  "Uh, 'Tell the person in front of you what kind of person they are.  This will bring good luck to your...relationships'," you read slowly.

There was an awkward silence as the sentence processed in your mind.  "Uh..."

"If you say an egoistic basketball idiot, I'll hit you," Aomine grinned, his face obviously showing annoyance.

You blushed bright red, crumpling the fortune in your hand.  "Dang it, I have to be honest, don't I," you laughed dryly, looking away.  "Well, here goes..."

Daiki watched you in slight confusion as you finally blurted out, "I think that sometimes you're annoying, selfish, perverted-"  Aomine looked like he was about to say something, but you continued hurriedly.  "-but you're really great at basketball, you really care for your friends (in a twisted way sometimes), and I really respect that.  A-And...

"And...I like you..."

After your little speech/rant was done, you sat there, covering your face in embarrassment.

"So, can I take that as a confession?" Aomine surprised you with an easy-going grin, but a slight blush was apparent on his face.

"W-Whatever, Aho-mine.  Sh-Shut up."

"Okay, but that means we have to replace that indirect kiss with a real one eventually," he grinned even wider.




NEXT UP:  Murasakibara Atsushi

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