Author's Note

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The writing prompt was, "A sailor returning home finds that his wife knows every detail of his life while he was away." After considering and rejecting several depressingly clichéd scenarios, I remembered a particular literary voyage and wound up writing Narnia fanfiction.

In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C. S. Lewis dunks his Earth children protagonists into the sea right smack in front of the titular ship. They join Prince Caspian on a journey into unknown lands, seeking word of lost heroes and hoping to glimpse the mystery of Utter East. In the chapter "Two Narrow Escapes," our heroes encounter "a place with a curse on it" about which they quarrel, swear each other to secrecy, then abruptly find themselves without any memory at all thanks to some timely divine intervention.

This fictionette posits an additional witness in the matter of Deathwater.

Cover art incorporates and modifies "Blausee Skulptur" by Adrian Michael (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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