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Tom watched as Tord was dragged out of the store. Tom's complexion at that moment in time showed him being calm and collected, but on the inside Tom wanted to kill Zach. (Including some other people who visited this book x3) When Tom swore if he saw a even a scratch on Tord, he'd personally kill him, he wasn't joking, he was actually DEADLY serious.

"Are you ok Tom?" Edd asked

Tom instantly turned to look to him, he did a small nod and the three continued chatting, but all Tom could think about was Tord. Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen anyway, despite his warning.

Tord suffered the pain from his boyfriends grip, all the way to the gangs "special" place. It was a kind of apartment. Zach dragged Tord inside and walked through the reception area, up to the room. Zach through Tord inside and locked the door, the rest of the gang went to go and get they're girls/boys and do the same thing Zach was planning on doing. Tord fell on the floor, gripping his arm where Zach had "held" it.

Then Zach grabbed Tord and pinned him to the wall. Zach started to roughly kiss Tord, but not by Tord's choice. Tord felt the tears pricking his eyes, he knew what was coming, and he didn't want it.

But it happened anyway...

(◉ω◉ )つー☆ .*+ Time Skip Before We All Murder Zach +*. (I swear this is the face of DEATH)

Tord got pushed out of the apartment by Zach, his clothes now on him again. Tord couldn't stop crying, it hurt terribly, and unfortunately this wasn't the first time it's happened. Tord remembered what Tom mentioned, with his hands that is. Tord decided to go to the library again. It tuck a lot of power to get through the pain he was now in, but he made an effort anyway.

Tord pushed open the doors weakly, almost falling over, but he caught himself but resting his body against the door. Tord continued to walk to the spot the others were in before, and luckily the place was still open, since it was now about 6pm, but Tord didn't know if everyone was still there. But there was a tiny bit of hope lighting up inside his sweet little heart.

Tord walked to the place he met with everyone else beforehand, and he sighed in relief when he saw at least one of them all left...


Tord limped his way to Tom, Tom not noticing until Tord fell on the floor beside him. Tom's eyes widened when he turned around to see the sobbing Tord in front of him. Tom shuffled round on his knees to face Tord, but Tord just looked at the ground while sobbing.

"Tord, what's wrong!?" Tom asked

"H-he... he..." Tord couldn't finish his sentence without crying

"He what? Tord I swear, what did he do?" Tom clenched his hands into fists, stopping the anger from escaping him

"He..." Tord cupped his hand around his mouth and whispered into Tom's ear

At this point Tom was on the edge of snapping. He was basically shaking the anger inside of him, trying not to let it all out, not wanting to cause a massive scene.

"Is this the first time he's done it to you?" Tom asked, trying not to make it sound like he was furious

Tord lightly shook his head no. Tom felt like snapping, and just letting everything out at that moment in time, but he didn't, trying to keep his composure in public. Instead, Tom grabbed Tord's hand and helped him up again, but Tord just limped and gasped with pain.

"Can you walk?" Tom asked

"Well... it tuck me a while to try and get here..." Tord said through sniffles

"Ok" then Tom simply picked Tord up bridal style

Tord was shocked by this movement, and his cheeks lit a light red, lucky for him you could barely see it. Tom proceeded to walk to his apartment, which was only about two blocks away.

Tom opened his apartment door, trying not to wake his neighbor, who was coincidentally Edd. Tom closed the door with his foot, and walked to his room. This made Tord shiver, it made him recall what happened, scared Tom was going to do it too. Tord felt the tears coming back again, they pricked his eyes, making some release.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked

"Th-this just b-brings back... thoughts... you won't hurt me too right?" Tord asked, shaking and crying a bit

"No! I would never!" Tom exclaimed

"O-ok... I trust you..." Tord sighed

Tom shot a worried glance at Tord, before looking back up at the door to his room, and opening it. Tom gently placed Tord down on the bed. Tord's eyes were droopy, he was weak and tired, and the bed just brung urges to fall asleep right then and there.

"You don't have to try and stay awake you know, I wouldn't have brought you here if it wasn't ok for you to sleep here" Tom laughed a bit

Tord nodded, smiling. Tord got inside the covers, slowly closing his eyes. Tom smiled at the good work he did, and started to walk off to go to sleep on the couch, until someone grabbed his sleeve. Tom turned around to see Tord, his lip quivering.

"P-please don't leave me" Tord stuttered

Tom smiled and gently nodded. Tom got into the sheets too, the warmth hitting him, making the atmosphere comfortable. Tom closed his eyes to fall asleep, then he felt little arms wrap around his torso. Tom looked down to see Tord, his lip was still quivering, until Tom wrapped his arms around him too, making the simple little hug into a sleeping cuddle. Tom saw Tord begin to smile, a single tear falling from his eyes. Tom wiped it away with his thumb, smiling, but then his smile dropped when he remembered what happened to Tord. Tom wondered why a person would do this, especially to someone with this kind of heart. Tord was sweet and innocent, and Tom knew that, and that's part of what angered him, the rest was just the point of Zach actually having the humanity to do that. Tom tried shaking the feeling off by looking at how happy he made Tord at this moment in time. Tom sighed, and proceeded to hug Tord a bit tighter, not wanting to let him go.

Not wanting him to go back to that demon...

I almost cried while writing this
Poor Tord
No joke, I'm not just saying this, I actually almost cried

Word count: 1124

Cold Fire {TomTord} ~ Element au [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now