The Party

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***(For the whole story) Strong language, adult themes, possible triggers***

The music was roaring, the ground was vibrating, and people kept bumping into me. The potent smell of weed and alcohol filled the air. I really didn't mind being here at Jasmines party. After all, it was the last 4 weeks of my senior year. I just wasn't as into it tonight like Avery and Jade were. They forced me to get away from my room for a little while because we haven't been to any of the big parties in so long. Listening to the music and sipping on my cranberry vodka, I look over to see Jade making out with her boyfriend, Zach, on the couch. Avery was upstairs in some bedroom, with some guy named Mason that graduated last year, that she barely knew. I decided I needed to step outside and probably go home. I wasn't looking for a quick fuck like Avery, and I didn't have a boy-toy like Jade.

I walk out to my car, vodka still in hand. The breeze feels nice against my warm face from the alcohol. It's almost summer, so the air is getting warmer, but remains a little chilly at night for a few more weeks. I get to my car, stumbling a little as I walk, and there's a guy standing near it. He looked a little familiar, but I couldn't quite pin point his name.

"Excuse me, you're blocking my car", I said as I looked at my driver's side door, just wanting to go home and sleep.

"Oh, I'm sorry", he said politely as he moved out of my way. "You're not about to drive, are you?"

I took another sip of my vodka. "This is only the second one I've had... I think. But I'm okay to drive home, I swear."

"I don't know about that sweetheart."

I did feel a little tipsy, but I've been far worse than this before. Like that one time at Avery's house... But that's for a different story. I sort of agreed I wasn't using my best judgement and that I shouldn't be driving, but I was not about to wait for Avery and Jade to finish their sex-scapades.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

"Are you wondering so you can kill me in my sleep?" I joked.

He laughed. And what an attractive laugh he had. "No, I would just like to take you home. So, you're not driving drunk."

"I am not drunk."

"Tipsy, drunk. You still shouldn't be driving"

"I don't even know you. What if you're some escaped serial killer?", I said as I tilted my head to the side, crossed my arms, and cocked an eyebrow.

He puts his hand out for me to shake. "Hi, I'm Gavin. I am not a serial killer, but I do like to make sure pretty girls get home safe."

I could feel myself blush a little. I put my hand out and gripped his hand. "Hi, I'm Chelsea. I guess you can take me home."

"Thank you."

As were walking to his car, I abruptly stopped. I could feel it coming; I was going to throw up. "Oh shit", I mutter. I quickly ran over to a grassy area and started vomiting. Gavin rushed behind me and held my hair back. I wipe my mouth off and apologize. "Not drunk, huh?" He said with a smirk on his face.

We get to his car and he helps me in. As soon as I'm sitting down, I feel a wave of exhaustion rush over me. I yawn, and my vision went blurry as water welled up in my eyes. Gavin leaned over me, buckled my seat belt, and shut my door. He walked around the car and gets in on the driver's side.

"So, are you going to tell me your address, sweetheart?", as he pulls his phone out to put my address into the GPS on his phone.

"289 Ocean Drive", I said as another yawn escapes my mouth.

"Lay back and rest."

I took his advice, leaned my chair back, and I closed my eyes. I didn't really know him, but I could tell he was sweet and had good intentions. I still couldn't remember where I had seen him before. As I tried to think more about it, I felt the warm air coming from the car vents, and I drifted asleep.

I woke up to a soft tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I think we're here", he says, as he puts his car in park.

I look out the window, and I see my house. All the lights were off. Thank god, I thought.

"Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it" I said, as I opened the door and got out.

"Think you'll make it inside okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you again."

He grinned, nodded, and drove off into the night.

I quietly walked passed my parents room and into mine. I forgot I had left my wax warmer on, but I was pleased by the fresh scent of lavender invading my nostrils. I took my pants off and threw them into my dirty clothes pile and put my hair up in a bun. It was 2am, and I already knew Avery and Jade would want to meet at the park tomorrow, like we do the day after any party we attend. I put my phone on my night stand, and I hurried to bed.


I woke up to my phone buzzing profusely next to me. I grab it from my night stand and I'm bombarded with texts from both Avery and Jade. Then I remembered that I totally forgot to tell them where I went last night after I ditched the party.

Avery: Where are you????

Avery: Are you home????

Jade: Way to ditch us, bitch. JK, but text me back, seriously

Avery: Hello?!?!

Jade: Answer Avery before she goes ballistic.

I reply to both of their texts saying I'm fine. I also asked if Avery could come pick me up and take me to my car, which was still parked at Jasmines house from the party last night. Hopefully it's still there and didn't get towed. I throw some clothes on, brush my teeth, and put my hair in a pony tail. I really needed a shower, but I didn't have time, as Avery was already on her way to my house. I finish getting ready, and I hear a honk outside my window. I head outside, and almost immediately after getting into her car, she starts asking about where I went last night.

"I was going to drive home because I was tired of watching Jade devour Zach's face, and I didn't feel like trying to find you and risk seeing you having sex. But I went to leave, and a guy stopped me and offered to take me some. Since I drank a lot more than I thought I did", I said as I rubbed my temples due to my pounding hangover headache.

"A guy? You left with some random guy? Or a guy we know?"

"He looked familiar when I saw him. I've seen him from somewhere, but I have no idea where. His name is Gavin."

Avery looked at me quizzically. "Did he have brown hair? Tall, skinny, decent amount of sexy muscles?"

"I honestly don't remember. Maybe?" I said shrugging.

"I think I know who you're talking about. He was a grade ahead of us. He's friends with Mason and they still hang out with some of the guys from our grade. So that's probably why he was there last night. Did he give you his number?" She said in a little too much of an excited tone.

"Nope." I secretly wished he would have though.

"Want me to see if Mason will give it to me?" She asked...

***A/N: Hey guys! So, how this is going to work is you all get a say in what happens next. Its simple. I'll end each chapter with a decision that needs to be made, either a small one, or a big one. And on my Instagram story, @JordanLaneXO, I will post polls and you all can vote on what you want to happen next! Majority vote wins!

Obviously if the next chapter is already posted, the poll has ended, and the story has continued. But that doesn't mean that there won't be more chapters to choose on! Like I said above, I will end EVERY chapter with a decision. So make sure to follow me! I will also post updates when I'm writing and give sneak peaks.

I hope you enjoy this book! Please vote, comment, and follow me! Both here, and on Instagram!**

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