Chapter Nine

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Sorry for the late update! I went and toured a university yesterday which lasted all day.

After Gabriel, Victor, and I ate wraps and fries, we went back home. Gabe took everything out of the bag, removed the tags, and paired it all together. There were at least 30 new outfits with only one pair of shoes he had managed to sneak in. I had never owned so many clothes before.

Gabriel told me to take a bath but to not wash my hair. Once I was finished he planned on fixing me up for a little runway show with the other boys.

If I'm honest, the thought of doing so made my stomach roll with fear.

Nonetheless, I did as he asked and hopped in the bath.

Kota's POV

Mr. B called for a family meeting once Victor and Gabriel got back. I had yet to see Sang but Gabe promised they had a surprise for us after the meeting.

We all gathered in Mr. B's office. The entire room was covered in dark mahogany wood, from the floor to the desk to the clock on the charcoal wall. His sleek computer sat in the desk's corner. Everything was organized to perfection, something he had always been meticulous about.

The room also held a large conference-like table with 14 chairs. It was used for both family and business meetings.

I pulled the wheely chair out and sat down. Mr. B was already situated to my left, Dr. Green in front of me. North and Silas sat a few chairs down, preferring the extra space. Gabriel had yet to come in - likely doing something with Sang - Nathan leaned against the wall by the glass doors, Victor situated himself beside Dr. Green, and Luke was who knows where.

I had to stomp down the urge to question what this meeting was about. As number two and as Pride, not knowing made me feel antsy.

Finally, Gabriel walked in with a trailing Luke. The two were grinning like always. They collapsed in two chairs beside each other.

Mr. B cleared his throat, "Let's get this meeting started, shall we? I have called this meeting to discuss our newest household member, Miss Sorenson. None of us have received enough information on her." He turned his eyes to me.

I knew this was coming but was hoping to keep it quiet a little longer. I had never kept anything from my brothers but for some reason, I wanted to keep Sang my little secret. "What is it you want to know, exactly?"

"Everything. How you met her, what she's like, why she's in Hell?"

I held back a sigh, "I'll tell you what I can. I haven't been in her life for five years. Around 10 years ago, I was monitoring Petmont Park in North Carolina. It was part of one of the favors we were gaining if any of you remember." Some nods carried across the room. "Sang was only 7 then, playing on the merry-go-round with her sister. After her sister left, Sang pulled me to play with her. I don't know what it was but something made me unable to resist.

After that, I came back every few days. She was always there, wearing one of her pretty pink dresses and a giant bow in her hair. As she got older, though, I started noticing signs of abuse. I was stupid. I didn't want to believe it was what it was. I had hoped she just hurt herself playing and that everything was fine. When she turned nine, she stopped coming back. I waited for weeks before I decided to track her. She seemed okay, maybe a little more somber, but didn't come outside anymore.

When she turned 11, her family didn't even care. They forgot about her. I snuck into her room and gave her a cake, the one you made Luke. She was happier than I had seen in years. When I had to leave for the war, though, I taught her how to summon me. She didn't for five years. I thought maybe she had forgotten about me.

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