Chapter 4

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Hey Everyone! Thanks a ton for reading! 177! Wow!! :D I will be leaving for a week, so this will be my last chapter until I return :) Enjoy!


Chapter 4



I scream. Kayden's practically sitting on top of me.

"Time to get up!" He yells in my face.

"Ugh, Kayden!" I yell back in his face. I push him off of me and sit up.

He falls to the edge of the bed and laughs loudly.

I plunge into him, knocking him off the bed. He pulls me down with him and I end up on top of him on the floor.

We both laugh and I playfully punch him in the shoulder.

Even though we were just having fun, I swear, for one second he stared me deep in the eyes.

"Well, anyways, I better start getting ready," I say as I get off of Kayden and onto my feet. "Your mom is taking me shopping."

"Shopping? Why?" He asks as he gets up.

"I'm not sure. She called my clothes 'Monstrosity' and then said that she was taking me to Ridgeway."

"Your clothes seem fine to me." He says smirking.

I look down at my cleavage-showing pajamas. I feel my cheeks go hot.

"Hey, you just woke up. No worries." He ruffles my hair then leaves the room.

I quickly throw some clothes on, not caring what they were.

I make a quick trip the the bathroom to clean myself up a bit, then grabbed my purse and rushed downstairs.

"Let's go!" Christina says cheerfully as she walks out the door. I follow her into the car and we drive away.

I watch my house as we pull put of her driveway and down the road.

"So, is Kayden still the same as you remember him?" Christina ask with her eyes on the road.

"Not at all," I say chuckling. "He's so different now."

Christina looks at me and a huge grin forms across her face. "Do I see a crush forming, Brielle?" She asks enthusiastically.

"No! Of course not!" I burst out laughing.

At least I don't think so.

We arrive at the mall after a 40 minute drive.

She takes me into the mall and we browse through a couple of stores.

"Isn't there anything you want to buy, honey?"

"Nothing seems really appealing to me, I guess." I tell her.

She stops to think, then gasps. "I know what you need!"

She grabs my hand and drags me down the mall until we stop in front of a store.

"Le Chateau?"

"Yes!" she squeals.

"I don't need a dress, Christina!" I laugh.

She smiles sheepishly then drags me inside.

"What on earth do I need a dress for?" I ask. She lets go of my hand and ignores my question.

She walks up to a lady working there and whispers something in her ear. "Oh, wow," she says. "I'll get you started right away!" Then she runs off and Christina and I follow her.

"I don't understand!"

"You don't need to, dear."

Still confused, she browses through dresses as the lady makes recommendations.  I pay no attention whatsoever.

"How about this one?"

"Oh my goodness, Elle!" Christina squeals for the fiftieth time. "Don't you love this one?"

"Not really..." I say, my attention to the store across from us.

"You haven't even looked at it!"

I sigh and turn around to look. It was a beautiful cream colored dress with sequins filling the top, then deccending down to the bottom.

"Your eyes just got so much wider!" laughs Christina. "Try it on!"

The lady leads us to the change rooms then pracitcally pushes me and the dress inside.

I slip out of my clothes and wriggle my way into the tight, little dress, scared that I would rip it.

Once I finally had it on, It was a pretty nice fit. I turned around to look in the mirror.

I look at myself with adoration. It was beautiful. I was beautiful.

It hugged my body in all the right ways. I never felt so... girly.

"Come out, Elle!" Christina says through the door.

I open the door and step out.

Both Christina and the lady are silent. Then, Christina uproars into shrieks of happiness.

"Your so beautiful, Elle! I can't believe how amazing this dress looks on you! Oh my goodness!"

"It looks wonderful!" The lady says.

"Thank you!" I say smiling hugely.

"You are deffinatly getting this!" Christina says.

I go back in the change room, take off the dress, get back in my old clothes and go up to the front counter with Christina.

"Ok, $327.90 will be your total."

"What?" I exclaim. "Christina, no!"

"Yes, Elle. Trust me."

She pays for it, and we leave Le Chateau. Because I refuse to buy anything else, we go back to the car and head home.

I feel guilty, but somewhat pleased. I still don't even know what the dress is for!

"Thank you so much Christina, but what is the dress even for?"

"Your very welcome!" She says. "And you'll see soon enough." She winks at me.


Hello again!

Sorry about the short chapter, but I really have to go!

Like I said before, I won't be back until next week. Can we try to get 230 reads before I update? :)

Read, comment, vote, and recommend please! I love you all so much! Thanks for reading! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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