Chapter 2

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We all sit down at the table to eat Harry's famous banana waffles. Zayn begins to talk about some girl he talked to the other day and how she will be the one and the boys automatically shoot down the possibility. Zayn has had more girlfriends in the last year than Liam and Niall have had combined ever. I do have to admit, he is sexy. Liam interrupts Zayn's rant and asks "So guys, what do you wanna do today?" in his cute British accent. "Let's go to Nando's!" Niall suggests and we all give him a look to say "Bro, we are eating right now and you want to go somewhere to eat?" "We could go to the park!" Louis suggests. He always wants to go there for some reason. "I think that sounds fun" I agree. With that our plans were decided.

I run home to tell my mom that I will be spending the day with the boys. She'll be fine with it.. She is always at work anyways. During Christmas break, if it weren't for the boys, I'd be home alone all the time. Fixing my hair into a top-knot bun and yelling "mom, I'm going to the park with Niall and the boys. I'll have my phone," I run out the door. Sprinting back across the street, I see Louis walking out the door with the others trailing behind him. We might as well have assigned seating for Lou's SUV because it is always Lou driving and Eleanor in the front with him and then Liam, Danielle, and Harry in the second row and Zayn, Niall, and 1 in the very back. Louis and Liam's girlfriends are always with us. It alright by me, we are the best of friends and it's nice to have other girls around. Louis starts driving away as we all settle into our seats and buckle out rough, gray seat belts. "God Niall, get off me!" I say jokingly when he leans his head toward me to escape being shoved so tightly against Zayn. "Knock it off, you too" Harry "scolds" from the seat in front of me. Before we know it, we arrive at the Lander Field Memorial park.

Niall POV

I stick my hand up to give El support as she jumps out of the car. "Thanks babe." she says cutely. Sometimes I wonder what she thinks of me. Her messy bun and my old sweat shirt; she is beautiful. "Best friends" that doesn't even begin to explain my feelings for her. "Come on, slow pokes!" Liam yells as him and Daniele run hand in hand up the massive hill. Following after them, Harry and Zayn run and dodge the holes in the uneven ground. Eleanor, Louis, Ella, and I walk up taking out time and talk amongst each other as we meander up the hill. Once we reach the top, we see Zayn and Liam on the swings on the wood chip playground swinging as Danielle and Harry push them. "Hey Liam, aren't you supposed to be pushing Danielle. Isn't that how that works?" Ella yells jokingly. "She wanted to." Liam says shyly, second guessing himself. Danielle and him haven't been together long, but since they started dating they have been inseparable. From everything Liam has said, I don't think it will end anytime soon; he really loves her.

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