Chapt. 14: First Night

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I was accompanied by Fern and Justin as we headed towards the edge of town where I told everyone to meet.
To secure people's identity I told everyone to come in their wolf form.

As soon as I got closer, I couldn't help but feel waves of anxiety control my body. I guess it was the feeling of the unknown that made me feel uneasy; and I hoped people turned up to help our town.

Fern ran ahead behind some bushes to transform into her wolf.

"You might wanna hang back." I halt and place my hand on Justin's chest.
Before I could respond, a wolf slowly emerged from the bushes Fern was behind moments ago.
Her flocculent, golden fur reflected the moonlight. Her deep amber eyes immediately scanned us both, gradually inspecting every detail.

I slowly bowed my head in mutual respect as she straightened her posture to show the full extend of her size.

"Let's go, they're waiting." I say to both of them, Justin was still mesmerised by what he had just witnessed. You would think for the length of time we have all known each other that we would have seen our wolf forms to each other, but we haven't. It was only on rare occasions that we did. I, however, have only shown Fern my wolf as I was terrified that I would scare people off to how hideous I was.

Immediately the gap between the woods revealed at least over a dozen werewolves prowling around, waiting patiently as I became their focus.
I make my way onto a large boulder, supported by smaller rocks.

"Hello." I begin slowly examining every individual wolf.
"I'm not sure how many of you know me but I'm Mia. Mia West. I couple years ago I moved here. This town is what I now call home and this will be my permanent home for as long as I'll live. I'm not sure if you are familiar with one another, if you live within the town radius or simply here from other towns nearby, and frantically I don't care. However, what I do care about is my people who live here and I need every one of you to help me as I'd do for you." I pause catching my breath.

"These patrols will go on for as long as that thing is alive and breathing. The quicker we find and kill it, the easier for us all and to not put any of us in jeopardy. I will be forever grateful and in time of need I would like to form an alliance with you all to prove my loyalty and respect."
"Now pair up in either twos or threes, signal if you need help or if you have found something. Let's go."

In those moments, I begin to see the wolves pair up and head off to the look out points. I notice Justin and Fern pairing up with another wolf and heading off to the west, leaving me alone.
I try to recollect my thoughts about my speech swallowing a lump in my throat every time.
"You were great." I hear a familiar voice speak.

I turn to face none other than Ethan himself as he stood below the rocks. I take my time to jump off the rock and landed behind him causing him to turn.
"I didn't think you'd show." I spoke softly.
"Why wouldn't I? You could always need an extra pair of claws." He chuckles.

"Looks like it's you and me, Pup." He continues.
"I guess it is."

We made our way towards the northwest of the border of Hollow Bay.
"I swear I stuttered when I spoke." I laughed.
"Not at all, you were perfect. Maybe I underestimated you. You showed true Alpha potential." He smiled as we both found some rocks to sit on.

"You think so? Honestly I don't know where my speech came from I mean, it was completely unrehearsed."
"I'm guessing you're the type of person who prefers to practice 100 times over until it's perfect." Ethan taunted.

"I wasn't always like that, I guess recently I found myself fucking things up which is why I don't normally do things like that. I've been the quiet one in town because I supposedly afraid of the consequences if I asked too many questions. Hence why I didn't even realise wolves lived in the town."
I take in a deep sigh, revealing my deepest darkest fears to someone I barely knew petrified me, but, for some unknown reason I could feel that I could trust Ethan.

Too deep in my thoughts I didn't realise that Ethan had took my hand and locked it with his. By a simple hand lock, his body electrocuted throughout my entire body. The intensity got to the both of us as he quickly pulled his hand away.

"Apologies. I just needed to try something." He stands up, he seemed on edge and paced around the rock.
"What was that?" I shudder. The last time we felt that was our first encounter at the restaurant, back then we didn't even touch but were inches away from one another.

"It doesn't matter." He shrugs it off.
"It's time to swap." Before I knew it, he was jogging off into the distance.

In my life, I have never had that tingling sensation from another being. It was very foreign to me which made me feel uncomfortable at the fact I didn't know what it had meant.

Before I knew it, the sun began to rise and all the wolves began to part ways. I met back up with Fern and Justin who they revealed that nothing much happened, similar with the rest of the wolves. It was strange to me that nothing suspicious occurred due to the recent killing.

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