Welcome Ontario!!

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Hello My readers! This is the last chapter to Hetalia Cursed!

I do not own anything except plot and Megan Vipper.

Italics for other languages 

This is the last chapter, I hope you like it. Also sorry for not posting it sooner I have been busy.


I just stood there as the other nations started to freak out. I growled before shouting.


They all went quiet and stared at me.

"Megan I have to ask what was your opinion on the French and English people?" I asked.

She smirked.

"French people are dumb and English people are awesome!" She answered.

Arthur smirked at Francis, who gasped in shock, Arthur smiled at my friend.

"Well at least your province has good sense in culture."

Everyone laughed at this, Megan smiled a blush at the sudden attention. I chuckled at her expression. 

"Well I guess we should fully welcome Canada and Ontario as a nation and provence.... Also we like to formally apologize for how we had treated you Matthew." Ludwig 

"Please forgive us." the whole world said.

Both Megan and I looked at everyone with wide eyes. Everything was quiet, nobody moved or spoke. Watching the two and how they would react. Megan smiled, they sighed but held their breaths for my reaction.

I was shaking, it was either from rage or embarrassment I wasn't sure. I sniffled as a tear fell from my eyes. I heard Lukas walk up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, that made me snap. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and cried.

"Shh~ It's alright." Lukas said.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian not showing any emotion he sure does know how to comfort someone.

"Y-You're Forgiven...." I said, smiling as I felt everyone pile in for another group hug.

"Ve~ Canada! Do you and Ontario like Pasta?" Italy asked.

I froze and looked at Megan, who had a scary smile on her lips. I paled. Last time we had any form of pasta ended with me hiding in a corner watching in horror as she ate the pasta on a dagger.

"M-Megan... are you- RUN!!!!!" I screamed when the same dagger came out of nowhere.

"PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~" she cheered but I had dragged both North and South Italy away knowing her she'll force them to make pasta until they drop.


We eventually made her pasta in a very safe distance and I was again stuck in a corner shivering in horror. Sadly nobody was able to snap me out of it until Megan came over and politely thanked the Italians for the pasta.

I shivered as she walked over to me with a smile.

"I'll be going home... and don't worry I have a place in Ontario. See ya Matthew." Megan said.

We watched her leave, some of us were still trying to make sense to what had happened.

"Mattie, are you okay?" Alfred asked.

I looked at him and shivered.

"You... none of you know what I have seen when I was little.... I'm going to have nightmares for the next century.... again." I said.

That was the day that the whole world met Ontario and feared her all at the same time.

The End.


 Done! I am terribly sorry for not posting.

I hope that you enjoyed this last chapter. Megan Loves anything pasta related, she'll fight anyone for it, or work them till they drop :)

Thank you all for reading this story and I hope that you all read my other stories and my future ones as well!

BYE \(^.^)/

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