Why is there a fairy hugging my maple syrup?

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Hello Everyone! Welcome back to another chapter!

Sorry that I'm not getting them up as fast as I would like, I am working on two other stories and have school and my learner's that I have to study.

In this chapter we are back in the present day with some worried nations and a passed out Canadian! I hope that you enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment down below on what I should call you Amazing readers!

underline for spells

Italics for different languages.

Enjoy! (translations at the end of the chapter)


"Ugh.... Wha Happen?" I slurred as I sat up. I was in my hotel's room, laying on the bed with blankets draped over me.

I looked around confused as to why the world around me was fuzzy, I saw my glasses were on the nightstand next to my head. I grabbed them and placed them on my nose, I looked to see that I was alone in my room except for Kumajiour.

I slipped out of bed and looked at my clothes after feeling a slight breeze, I was only in my canadian themed boxers. I blushed at the thought of somebody undressing me. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out some clothes to wear.

A simple red shirt and black jeans, I threw my new change of clothes and walked out of the room. I looked around to see nobody there and sighed, I guess it was a dream and that I must have been too tired to change in to my pj's.

"I guess nobody really cares about me then." I mumbled to myself.

"Hungry... Feed me please Canada!" Said Kumajiour.

I looked down to see Kuma looking up at me with his big black eyes, I chuckled a bit.

"Okay Kuma Let's get you some food, I should make some tea." I said as Kuma and I walked over to the kitchen area and pulled out a mug and a plate.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some salmon and put it on the plate before setting it on the ground, I know Kuma loves taking his food to the living room but I try to make sure he stays in the kitchen when we are in hotels.

I put some water in to the coffee maker and then placed peppermint tea bag into the slought that says 'tea bags'. I then placed my mug underneath the spout and waited for my tea to finish. As I was waiting I didn't notice somebody behind me when I spoke to Kuma.

"Kumajiour... do you think that the other nations care if I'm here or not?" I asked as I stared at the counter with sad eyes.

"I think they do care just forgets.... I would care if you weren't here." Kuma said, I just nodded numbly.

"Thanks Kuma.... I.. I just wish that I wasn't so invisible to everyone." I said with sadness in my voice.

Kumajiour just nodded and continued to eat his food. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the maple syrup and placed it by my mug. Looking at Kuma and a sad smile made it's way on to my lips.

"I would care to, Matthew" a childish voice said behind me.

I turned to see nothing there, then a giggle came from behind me again. Kuma looked up and stared while I turned around to see a fairy that Arthur always tries to convince everyone that are there. But the weirdest thing was the fairy was hugging the bottle of maple syrup.

"Uhh...." Was all that I said.

"Teehee.. Matthew it's me Maple frost! don't you remember?" She said with a cheerful voice as she hopped off the bottle and flew up to my nose making me go cross eyed.

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