Meeting Them (Alpha Kids)

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I can't write I'm sorry—  also I'm gonna see if I can get my friend to edit my stuff later on—

Jane Crocker

You were walking around the city/town and stumble across a bakery called "Janes' Baking Emporium" And see it's open.  You walk in and see a girl with short black hair, and glasses wearing an apron and she greets you.
"Hello!!  Can I help you?"  You blush at her voice and with a smile reply,
"Yes please, what's your recommend treat?" 
"It depends on what you prefer,"
"I prefer something sweet and a bit salty," She nods.
"Any allergies?" You shake your head
"I don't have any allergies"
"Then I recommend the Salted Caramel Apple Pie Cookies!!!!"  She says with a slight shine in her eye.
"That sounds perfect!!  I'll have two please miss..."
"Jane Crocker, you can call me Jane!!" She supplies.  You swear you see her cheeks turn slightly pink but just brush it off thinking it's just warmer in here than you realize. 
"My name's (Y/N) (L/N), you can call me (Y/N)" You tell her your name as you pay and she hands you the cookies.
"A pretty name for a pretty boy/girl/person!" She says making you blush and thank her as you leave the shop after giving her your chum handle.

Little do you know that you're both thinking "she/he/they're adorable!!!"


Jake English

You were in the woods with some friends hunting until suddenly you find yourself strayed from the group. Aka you were lost. You sit down on the ground and stay alert, since after all, you are in the woods. After around 5 minuets you fell asleep. Then 10 minuets later you feel yourself get shaken awake and open your eyes to see a boy with short hair, glasses, and a shirt with a green skull on it.
"Miss what are you doing sleeping in the woods alone??" He asks you with a curious british voice. You blush slightly and reply,
"I lost my group and have no means to contact them, so I sat here and I guess I fell asleep,"
"I see... Well I'll help you find your group!!!" He smiles as he holds out his hand to help you up.
"Thank you. My name's (Y/N) by the way," As you take his hand he helps you up and introduces himself.
"I'm Jake English, it's a pleasure m'lady" he jokes as he bows and kisses you hand, blushing slightly.
"Pleasures all mine good sir" you reply back in the same joking voice.

Around 30 minuets of wandering you hear familiar voices shouting your name and know it's your group.  You smile as you grab Jakes hand and pull him towards the voices.  When you arrive to where your group is they immediately hug you and start apologizing like crazy, making you laugh.  You decide to introduce them to Jake.
"Guys this is Jake, he found me after I fell asleep and helped me find you all."  You all make your introductions and it's time to leave.  You offer to take Jake back to his place but he politely declined and gives you his chum handle blushing slightly as you give him yours in return.  As you drive away Jake waves and goes back to hunting/wandering.


Roxy Lalonde

You where at a party your friend (B/F/N) dragged you too.  You just went along with it due to not being able to argue with them.  You where sitting at the bar drinking a regular coke when a girl with short blonde hair, black lipstick, and a pink scarf sits next to you and says,
"Hzy *h2y *hey," You let out a small chuckle as you reply to the, most likely, drunk girl.
"Hey, I'm (Y/N),"
"I'm Roxy laloond *lalonde~  Nice to meet ya!!"  She smiles at you and you blush a bit. 

There is a slightly awkward silence until Roxy asks you a question,
"What do you like?"  Your eyes seem to shine a bit as you reply to her,
"I like wizards, coding, and (T/Y/L) (A/N): Thing you like)"  You laugh to yourself as you notice her checks start to heat up.

Then your friend suddenly grabs you and says it's time to go.  You frown and give Roxy your number and say your goodbyes as your friend drag you away from the blonde with a pink scarf.
(I got lazy—)


Dirk Strider

You where at an anime convention cosplaying as Sailor moon (just roll with it) from the appropriately named Sailor Moon anime.  You where taking pictures with random people when you hear someone say in a joking tone,
"Hey meatball head,"  You turn around to see someone cosplaying as Tuxedo Mask and fake a pouty look and reply with a whine,
"Darian!!!  You said you wouldn't call me that anymore!!" He sighs but then let's out a chuckle as some people Fangirl because they ship Serena and Darian.

After conversing and taking pictures with people you and Tuxedo mask, who you've come to know as Dirk, decide to hang out at the nearby mall at the food court.

After hanging out for a few hours it's time to leave, before you leave you exchange numbers

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