The Darkness

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I listen to the darkness,

But I find no comfort,

No hole for my soul to speak,

Just the empty void of space,

I'm losing it,

I can't fight it,

It's taking over,

I lost all I had,

Because of what it did to me,

It's a torture chamber and you know it,

And I can't help wanting to escape,

But the only way I can, is if I stop fighting,

If I give up,

If I want it,

Is the only way for it to disappear,

And the darkness cries,

Wanting me to follow it,

Give in to the madness that I'm desperately trying to keep out,

It's in my soul,

A part of me,

But I don't want it,

I hate it,

But it will consume me,

Like it did to them

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