No feelings.

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  • Dedicated to RaeChaChelle

"Here's your assignment." my boss said handing us each a folder. We took them from him opening them up immediately. Inside was the packs name and what the details of the assignment. Pretty straight forward. Just protect a pack. Simple. Ah I guess your wonder who I am.  

Well my name is Anissa. I'm 16 and I was abandoned as a baby. There that's it.

Not really. I was found as a baby and grew up in the werewolf council pack. They are the people that make the werewolf law and look after all the packs. Trying to keep peace and kill the rouges. I' many other abandoned children have been trained since they found us to protect these pack. We are the military of the werewolf world. Humans have navy, army and all those other. Well the werewolf world has us.

There's probably hundreds of us but we are not sure. We are spread out across the country. So yeah only the council know who's who, who's where all that good stuff. We go thru extensive training to learn how to fight, rescue, weapons, show no emotion.

We are basically killing machines and we are being sent on another mission. This one is just to protect a pack from rouges. Objective kill the rouges. We salute and leave.

Yeah sixteen is kinda young to be doing this but I love it. What's not to love? I get save the innocent and kill bad people. It's a very gratifying job. It's not all we do. We also teach other pack to fight, to defend themselves, we protect, save the kidnapped. Whatever is needed to save wolves. Let's see what else? Oh I've never been to school before.

Nope we are all taught right here in this pack. Eight hours a day we stay in a room and they teach us everything under the sun. Um not sure what else to tell you. There isn't much to tell. I don't know my real family or care to know them. I'm free from emotions I guess you could say. Now I'm not totally free from them. I laugh and joke around. But as far as anger, crying something like that I don't seem to have. Well I do but we were taught to never show it. I know it sounds rough living here but it's really not. This pack is my family. We love each other and would die for each other. We are just like any other family. Just more strict I suppose.

We all go our separate ways. When I reach my room I open the file and read more into it.  

The Ice pack. 

Alpha Mark Silverstone  

Alpha female Vanna Silverstone  

Son to be alpha Alexander Silverstone  

Other children. Emily Silverstone and Tony Silverstone.  

Beta Martin Moore  

Beta female Jessica Moore  

Son to be beta Zane Moore only child.  

Member as of today 55.  

Main objective kill rouges, protect Alexander Silverstone.  

Objective protect pack, teach pack to fight.  

Leave 10 a.m in the morning.  

Assignment head leader Tate Mills.  

Assign to assignment. Anissa Morgan, Darren Mills, Blake Mills, Lee Mills, Alisha Monroe, Cannon Huckabee, Zander Mills, Oscar Blue, Matthew Holt and Zack Davis.  

And that was it. We don't get full details just the gist of things. I guess it's really none of our business.

If your wondering why some have Tate's last name and some have regular last names well the ones that didn't have birth certificates with them were named and given the last name of their leaders. Ours is Tate Mills so they got Mills as a last name. I'm not sure how they do it but when we are picked at an early age to become head leaders and assignment leaders. Like Tate he grew up to be a big boss man. As I grew up I was picked to be assignment leader.

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