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B a r b i e . . .

She flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder as she walked confidently to her desk. Barbie took pride in her work desk which was basically a couch and a kid's metal tray with her laptop on it. Although her set-up may have looked a bit childish to some adults, it worked for her and she was happy with it. 

Barbie settled into her fuzzy, pink chair before logging into her account to access her blog. She'd like to think she was a professional critic, however, things like that only happened in her dreams. Just because she wasn't exactly professional didn't mean she wasn't a critic though. She was for sure a critic, in her heart, and she had many followers on her blog that could back her up. 

She smiled to herself as she read the most recent comments on her latest post which was about YourOwnRyanGosling. 

There was about hundred comments so far which she had only uploaded Most people commented and said 'thanks for the heads up' or 'Ryan can't be replaced' and, 'All you can do is try, but I'm glad I didn't.' 

One in particular comment caught her eye though.

Did you really think you were going to get what you paid for? It's Ryan Gosling, idiot. Plus you could tell that most of the pictures were photoshopped.

She glared at the screen, completely irritated. 

I'm not an idiot, She thought to herself as she re-read the comment. 

Barbie scoffed at the username 'KW321' clearly they weren't very smart themselves. 

"They can't even count correctly." She said out loud to herself. 

She quickly clicked on their icon, leading her to their profile. 

You're the idiot. She wrote on their message board. 

Five minutes later she received a reply: I'm so not an idiot. How could I possibly be an idiot? 

Calling me an idiot is an idiot move therefore you are an idiot. It's simple, but I guess you're too much of an idiot to understand. She replied confidently. 

That made no sense at all. 

You make no sense at all, idiot. 

Stop calling me an idiot.

No, you stop calling me an idiot, idiot.

The whole conversation consumed of name calling and constant arguing, but she couldn't help but respond back to every single reply. 

She was hooked. Hooked on what? She wasn't sure just yet. 


A/N: I hope this wasn't terrible haha. 

Sorry for how short this chapter is, but I couldn't help it. I'm too eager to write kenneth's pov just because I adore him haha. But trust me this story isn't going to be least I hope it's not. 

Anyways I want to thank everyone sooo much for commenting and voting. It seriously means the world to me and I can't thank you enough for your support! Y'all are truly the best. 

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